Pakistan Studies 

Are you looking for the Nursing PowerPoint presentations of Pak Studies notes?
Then you are at the right place. Here you'll find all the Notes and Pdf/PPT of Pakistan study for Nursing. 
nursing Pak studies

Nursing slides for Pak. Studies

Following are the slides for the Pakistan studies for Nursing. 

Hazrat Mujaddad Alf Sani Presentation in Urdu & P.Point/~$Hazrat Mojaddad Alf Sani


Taqseem Bangal aor Qiam Muslim League Presentation


Hazrat Shah Waliullah


Islami Dafaat of 1956-62-73 Constitutions


24.Pakistan kay Zari Masael or unka Hal/Pakistan kay Zari Masael or unka Hal


Qardad-e-Maqasid 1949/Qardad-e-Maqasid 1949


4.Tehreek-e-Mujahideen/Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barailvi


5.Faraizi Movement/FARAIZI MOVEMENT


23.Pakistan Kay Qudrati Wasail/Pakistan Kay Qudrati Wasail


25.Pakistan ma Sinati Tarraqi/Pakistan ma Sinati Tarraqi


18.Government of India Act 1935/Government of India Act 1935


13.Tahreek Khilafat (Asbab, Waqiaat owr Nataij)-31-12-2010/Tahreek Khilafat (Asbab, Waqiaat owr Nataij)-31-12-2010


12.Mantigo-Chemsford Islahat 1919/Mantigo-Chemsford Islahat 1919


1956-62-73 kai Aaeen/1956-62-73 kai Aaeen


19.1937 Kay Intikhabat & Congressi Wazaratain/1937 Kay Intikhabat & Congressi Wazaratain


20.Qardad Lahor & 1945-46 Elections/Qardad Lahor & 1945-46 Elections



22.Pakistan Ki Jughrafiaiee Ahmiat/Pakistan Ki Jughrafiaiee Ahmiat

24.Pakistan kay Zari Masael or unka Hal/17.Ideology of Pakistan/Ideology of Pakistan


8.Muslim Educational Institutions of Sub Continent Presentation in Urdu & P.Point/Sindh Madrasa Tul Islam/Sindh Madrasa Tul Islam


9.Darul Uloom Deoband and Nidwatul Ullama/Nidwatul Ulma/Nidwatul Ulma Presentation