Are you looking for the nursing notes or slides of Health Assessment 1 of semester 3rd of Generic BS Nursing?

Then you are in the right place. Here you will find all the lectures and slides related with the Health assessment 1.


health assessment 1

Overview of Health Assessment:

This course is of 2 credit hours. It serves as an introduction to the knowledge and abilities required to evaluate the general health state of people of various ages. These abilities may be used to provide nursing care in many different clinical contexts. This course places a strong emphasis on physical examination and history-taking techniques.


Course Objectives:

By the completion of health assessment of both semester of Year II, you will be able to:

1. Systematically assess the health status of an individual by obtaining a complete health history using interviewing skills appropriately.

2. Utilize proper techniques of observation and physical examination in assessing various body systems.

3. Differentiate normal from abnormal findings.

4. Record findings in an appropriate manner.

5. Demonstrate an awareness of the need to incorporate health assessment as part of their general nursing practice skills.

6. Apply knowledge of growth & development, anatomy, physiology, & psychosocial skills in assessment & analysis of data collected.


Teaching/Learning Strategies:

Different methods will be used for this, such as; Pre readings, experiential learning, videotaping, role playing, lecture/discussion, quizzes, demonstration, movies & lab practice.

Evaluation Criteria:

According to the new evaluation criteria, 30% marks will be internal and 70% will be of KMU or other university.

·      Midterm 30%

·      Performance Exam 30%

·      Final Exam 40%

·      Total 100%



Following are the list of topics which will be learnt in this course of health assessment.

Unit No



Introduction to Health Assessment Concepts


Interviewing Skills and Health History


Introduction to Physical Examination (Pe) and the General Survey


Assessment of the Skin, Head & Neck


Assessment of Nose, Mouth & Pharynx


Assessment of the Abdomen, Anus & Rectum


Assessment of the Breast, Axilla & Genitalia


UNIT 1: Introduction to Health Assessment Concepts (Download)

By the end of the unit, you will be able to:

1. Discuss the need for health assessment in general nursing practice.

2. Explain the concepts of health, assessment, data collection, and diagnosis.

3. Identify types of health assessments

4. Document health assessment data using a problem oriented approach.



UNIT 2: Interviewing Skills and Health History (Download)

By the end of the unit, you will be able to:

1. Explain the purpose, process & principles of interviewing.

2. Describe the content and format used to obtain a health history.

3. Discuss the process of investigating positive findings during the health history.

4. Practice obtaining and recording a client health history.

5. Practice utilizing therapeutic skills with a learner’s partner.

6. Identify strengths and weaknesses via observation of a videotaped interaction and self/peer analysis.

7. Interview patient in clinical and collect feedback from colleagues and faculty about use of therapeutic communication.



UNIT 3: Introduction to Physical Examination (Pe) and the General Survey (Download)

By the end of the unit, you will be able to

1. Identify the general principles of conducting an examination.

2. Identify the equipment needed to perform a physical examination.

3. Describe the appropriate use & technique of inspection, palpation, percussion & auscultation.

4. Discuss the procedure & sequence for performing a general assessment of a client.

5. Discuss the guidelines for documenting physical examination.

6. Document the PE findings of patients in PE documentation sheet on an ongoing basis.




UNIT 4: Assessment of the Skin, Head & Neck

By the end of the unit, you will be able to

1. Describe the component of health history that should be elicited during the assessment of skin, head & neck.

2. Describe specific assessments to be made during the physical examination of the above systems.

3. Document findings.

4. Describe age related changes in the above systems & differences in assessment findings.


UNIT 5: Assessment of Nose, Mouth & Pharynx

By the end of the Unit, you will be able to:

1. Describe the component of health history that should be elicited during the assessment of nose, mouth and pharynx.

2. Identify the structural landmarks of the nose, mouth and pharynx.

3. Describe specific assessments to be made during the physical examination of the above systems.

4. Document findings.


UNIT 6: Assessment of the Abdomen, Anus & Rectum

By the end of the unit, you will be able to:

1. Discuss the pertinent health history questions necessary to perform the assessment of Abdomen, Anus and Rectum.

2. Describe the specific assessment to be made during the physical examination of the abdomen.

3. Discuss components of a rectal examination.

4. Document findings.

5. List the changes in abdomen that are characteristics of aging process.


UNIT 7: Assessment of the Breast, Axilla & Genitalia (Download)

By the end of the unit, you will be able to:

1. Discuss the history questions pertaining to male and female breast and Genitalia assessment.

2. Perform a breast examination including axillary nodes and interpret findings.

3. Discuss components of a genital exam on a male or female.

4. Review components of a comprehensive reproductive history.

5. Document findings.

6. List the changes in breast, male & female genitalia that are characteristics of aging process




1. Bicklay, L. S. (1999). Bates’ guide to physical examination and history taking (7th ed). Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott.

2. Cox, C. H. (1997). Clinical applications of nursing diagnosis (3rd ed).

3. DeGowin, R. L., & Brown, D. D. (2000). Degowin’s diagnostic examination (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

4. Fuller, J. & Schaller Ayers, J. (2000). Health Assessment: A Nursing approach. (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott.

5. Jarvis, C. (1996). Physical examination & health assessment (2nd ed).Philadelphia: Saunders.

6. McFarland, G. K, et. al. (1997). Nursing diagnosis and intervention planning for patient care chapter 1 & 2 (3rd ed).

7. Munro, J. F., & Campbell, I. W. (2000). Macleod’s clinical examination (10th ed). Edinburgh: Churchhill Livingstone.

8. Thompson, B. (1991). Clinical manual of health assessment. (4th ed).St. Louis: Mosby.

9. Weber, J. R. (2001). Nurses' handbook of health assessment (4thed). Philadelphia: Lippincott.

10. Wilson, S. F; Giddens J. F. (2001). Health assessment for nursing practice (2nd ed).St. Louis: Mosby.