Pathophysiology 2

Are you looking for the nursing notes or slides of Pathophysiology 2 of semester 4th of Generic BS Nursing?
Then you are in the right place. Here you will find all the lectures and slides related with the pathophysiology 2 of nursing.

Pathophysiology 2 slides download


Overview of Pathophysiology 2:

This course is of 3 credit hours. It gives you the chance to expand on your understanding of the ideas and information linked to endocrine and neurological problems and their effects on the body's functioning condition. It also addresses the bodily reactions that contribute to illness manifestation. The selection and integration of the material are determined by the value of the information, abilities, and attitudes to the nurse in solving problems in the hospital, classroom, community, or home.

Course Objectives:

On completion of this course, you will be able to:
1. Describe the factors in the environment, which contribute to produce changes in Physiological processes.
2. Discuss the relationship of normal body function with altered physiological mechanisms in disease process.
3. Integrate the knowledge of the basic principles of Pathophysiology in a hospital and community environment.

Teaching/Learning Strategies:

These methods are used for this course; Pre-reading, lectures, lab work, group discussion, quiz, guest lectures, case base learning, field visits, self study and pre/post tests, etc.

Evaluation Criteria:

According to the new evaluation criteria, 30% marks will be internal and 70% will be of KMU or other university.

·      Test (s) 40%

·      Lab performance 15%

·      Group presentation 15%

·      Final 30%   


Pathophysiology 2 outlines:

The Following units will be included in this course of pathophysiology 2. If you want to download all the units in only onw slides, then click here to download. Otherwise, go to your unit and download it there. 

Also read AHN 1 Slides by Clicking here

And to read FON 2 Slides, Click Here

Unit No



Genetic Disorders



Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders



Disorders of Neurological System



Disorder of Special Senses (Eye & ear)



Cardio muscular System



Alteration in Musculoskeletal support and movement. (Trauma & Injury)



UNIT I: Genetic Disorders (Download)

This unit will provide an overview of the genetic disorders with especial emphasis on some chromosomal disorders. i.e. Down’s syndrome, Turners syndrome and Klinefelter’s syndrome.
At the end of this unit each you will be able to:
1. Differentiate between Genetic & Congenital disorder

2. Define the following terminologies related to genetic disorders:

·      Trisomy

·      Monosomy

·      Polysomy

3. Discuss the Chromosomal defects with special emphasis on aneuploidy

4. Describe the pathophysiology and the clinical manifestation of the following genetics disorders.

·      Down’s syndrome (Download)

·      Turner’s syndrome (Download)

·      Kleinfelters syndrome (Download)


UNIT 2: Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders

This unit gives an overview of the endocrine and metabolic control mechanism & some common disorders of the endocrine glands.
1. Review the hypothalamic pituitary controlmechanism of hormone secretions in the body.
Differentiate between hypo & hyper function of the endocrine glands.

A. Disorders of Growth Hormone (Download)

In this session you will discuss the functions and disorders of the growth hormone.
1. Discuss the functions of growth hormone
2. Discuss the disorders of Growth hormones
(Gigantism, Acromegaly & Dwarfism)

B. Disorders of endocrine pancreas (Diabetes Mellitus) (Download)

In this session, you will gain an understanding of pathogenesis of different types of diabetes mellitus. Differences between Type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus, acute and chronic complications of diabetes mellitus will be discussed.
1. Review of Anatomy & Physiology of endocrine pancreas.
2. Briefly discuss the classification of diabetes mellitus (DM)
3. Discuss etiology, pathophysiology, and clinical manifestations of Type 1 DM & Type 2 DM.
4. Identify the main differences between Type 1 & Type 2 DM.
5. Identify pathogenesis and manifestations of the acute and chronic complications of diabetes mellitus.

C. Disorders of Thyroid Gland & Parathyroid gland (Download thyroid) (Download Parathyroid)

This unit deals with the review of structure of thyroid gland and parathyroid gland with emphasis on hormone production and action. This information is integrated while discussing the disorders of thyroid and parathyroid gland
1. Review the Anatomy and Physiology of thyroid gland and parathyroid gland and hypothalamic pituitary thyroid feed back system.

2. Discuss the disorders associated with Thyroid gland i.e. hyporthyroidism

·      goiter (non-toxic)

·      cretinism

·      Myxedema

3. Discuss the disorders associated with Thyroid gland i.e hyperthyroidism

·      Grave’s disease

·      Goiter (toxic)

4. Discuss the mechanism of action of parathyroid hormone (parathormone and calcitonin)
5. Explain the effects of hypo and hyper parathyroidism on the body systems such as Renal and musculoskeletal system

D. Disorders of Adrenal gland

In this unit the focus is on the hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex and the importance of these hormones to vital functions of the body. Disorders related to hyper secretion and hypo secretion of the adrenal cortex are discussed.
1. Review the Anatomy and Physiology of the Adrenal gland
2. Discuss the functions of adrenal cortex hormones (corticosteroid)

3. Discuss the following

·      Cushing’s syndrome (Download)

·      Addison’s disease (Download)


UNIT 3: Disorders of Neurological System (Download)

In this unit the you will gain an understanding of the alteration of sensory function involving dysfunction of the general sense includes Pain, and special senses i.e. eye & ear. Alteration of the neurological function that is cerebro-vascular accident ( CVA’s & Stroke ) will also be discussed

A. Pain

At the completion of this unit you will be able to
1. Review the concept of somatosensory pathway.
2. Describe the function of Nociceptors in response to pain information.
3. Describe the function of endogenous analgesic mechanism as they relate to transmission of pain information.
4. Describe the proposed mechanism of pain relief associated with the use of heat, cold & TENS i.e. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.

B. Disorders of Neurological function

At the completion of this unit you will be able to:
1. Review the major vessels in the cerebral circulation.
2. Review the, blood brain, & brain cerebrospinal fluid barrier.

3. Explain the degeneration of the nervous tissue that cause alteration in cerebral blood flow (stroke).

·      Risk factors and types of stroke

·      Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAS)


UNIT-4 Disorder of Special Senses (Eye & ear) (Download 1) (Download 2)

At the completion of this unit, you will be able to:
1. Review the A & P of eye & ear

2. Discuss some common visual & auditory dysfunction

·      Glaucoma

·      Tinnitus & hearing Loss


UNIT-5 Cardiomuscular System 

This unit includes the following.
1. The conduction system of Heart (Download)
 2. Valvular Disorder (Downlaod)
3. Coronary heart disease and coronary arteries disease (Download)

UNIT 6: Alteration in Muscloskeletal support and movement. (Trauma & Injury) (Download)

This session you will study about the trauma of skeletal structures. This session will also cover the pathological processes of metabolic bone disease and inflammatory joint diseases. At the end of this unit each you will be able to learn the following which is given in the slides. 

UNIT 7: Degenerative Disorders ENT Disorders (Download)

In this unit you will gain an understanding of the degenerative disorders of the cardiac vascular, nervous and respiratory system. At the completion of this unit you will be able to learn the following given in the slides. 

A. Cardiovascular Disorders:

1. Review the following structure that support the cardiac metabolism i.e.

·      coronary circulation (collateral arteries)

·      heart action i.e. conduction system, myocardial contraction and relaxation

2. Explain the mechanism of blood vessels obstruction in atherosclerosis
3. Discuss the factors effecting cardiac performance in the light of Frank Starling and Lapcalce’s law i.e. preload, after load, & contractility.

4. Eexplain the pathophysiological changes in patients with ischemic heart diseases i.e.

·      myocardial ischemia (angina & its types)

·      myocardial infarction



1. Carol, Porth M. (2000). Pathophysiology concept of altered health states (new ed). Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott
2. Sue, Huether E. (2000). Understanding pathophysiology New York: Mosby.
3. Tortora, G. J., & Anagnostakos, N. P. (2000). Principles of anatomy and physiology New York:Harper & Row.

4. Wilson, Sylvia A. Price & Lorraine M. (1997). Clinical concepts of disease processes (5th ed). Mosby.