Nursing Research
Course Description:
This course focuses on developing an understanding of the scientific approach and methods of the research process and critical appraisal of existing nursing and related health literature. The contents will enable you to utilize research findings to promote the relationship of research to practice, education and administration.
Course Objectives:
On completion of the Course, you will be able to:
1. Recognize the research process as a systematic approach to thought and the generation of nursing knowledge.
2. Understand the process of Evidence-based health care.
3. Identify the role of nursing research in the development of a body of nursing knowledge that promotes nursing as a profession.
4. Explain the ethical consideration used in nursing research for the safety of human subjects and the conduct of research.
5. Analyze/ critique research studies in nursing and other health sciences to evaluate the use of research process, methodologies, validity, reliability, application & research findings to the practice, and its significance to the development of nursing.
6. Prepare a condensed research proposal (either quantitative or qualitative)
Teaching/Learning Strategies:
Preparatory reading assignments, lectures, discussions, guest speakers, panel discussions and small group assignments & critiques.
Assessment Criteria:
- Classroom Quizzes = 40%
- Quantitative Critique = 20%
- Qualitative critique = 20%
- Final Exam = 20%
Nursing Research Outline
Unit 1 (Download)
Introduction: Overview, Definition, ways of knowing:
- Source of human knowledge (Download)
- Purpose of scientific research
- Limitation of the scientific method
- Research Terminology
Unit 2
Unit 3
- Selecting and identifying the research problem/ purposes
- Formulating Hypothesis
- Literature Review (Download)
- The conceptual framework in research studies.
Unit 4
- Quantitative Research Design (Download)
- Experimental and quasi-experimental research
- Non experimental research
- Epidemiological Design (Download)
- Action research/Multi-disciplinary research
Unit 5 (Download)
Populations and Samples (Download)
Measurement & Data Collection.
- Interview and Questionnaire
- Observational Method
- Biophysical Data and other Collection Method
- Criteria for assessing and selecting measuring tool.
- Reliability and validity of the tools and studies
- Quantitative Analysis
Unit 6
Qualitative Designs: (Download) Introduction to:
- Phenomenological.
- Case study
- Grounded Theory/Ethnographic
Historical Research/Qualitative Research, Methodologies & Triangulation
Unit 7 Critique Research (Download)
- Critiquing Quantitative Research
- Critiquing Qualitative Research
Unit 8
Utilizing Nursing Research/Evidence Based Practice (Download)
Unit 9
Proposal writing
Process and stages of research writing (Download)
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