Mental Health Nursing / MHN

Are you looking for the nursing notes or slides of Mental health nursing of semester 6 of Generic BS Nursing?

Then you are at the right place. Here you will find all the lectures and slides related with the MHN.  

Mental Health Nursing

Mental Health Nursing Overview:

This course is of 6 credit hours. It introduces the learners to the concepts of mental health and mental illness, the various concepts of psychiatric nursing and its development in general and in Pakistan in particular. It further develops understanding of holistic approach to mental health nursing by applying the nursing process for patients and families in hospital settings. The course is also intended to explore personal and cultural perceptions, values, and beliefs about mental health problems and the need and relevance of community mental health care in Pakistan.

MHN Objectives:

On completion of this course, you will be able to learn the following. 

  • Demonstrate an awareness and acceptance of mental health and illness as legitimate health issues
  • Describe the nursing process as applied to mental health nursing
  • Utilize knowledge base to actively participate in therapeutic milieu for clients with mental health problems
  • Explore factors affecting mental health especially in the Pakistani culture
  • Demonstrate care of a client suffering from different mental health illnesses
  • Identify need and relevance of community mental health in Pakistan and the resources available to manage it. 

Teaching/Learning Strategies:

Lecture with discussion, work in small group setting, review of articles, presentation, role-play, field visit and clinical.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Group Presentation 20%
  • Mid-term exam 15%
  • Scholarly paper 30%
  • Clinical portfolio 10%
  • Final Exam 25%
  • Clinical Pass/Fail

Mental Health Nursing Outline:

The following unit/objectives will be included in this mental health nursing course. 

Click here for slides of unit 1-4

Unit I: Mental Health & Mental Illness

  1. Analyse own perceptions, values, beliefs and feelings towards mental health and mental illness
  2. Analyse cultural perceptions to mental health, mental illness and mental health nursing.
  3. Discuss about the history of psychiatry and psychiatric nursing in Pakistan
  4. Demonstrate understanding about laws governing admissions and discharge of clients in mental health settings
  5. Analyze the common personal and civic rights retained by patients in mental health settings and ethical issues related to it 

Unit II: Tools of Psychiatric Nursing

A: Therapeutic Communication and therapeutic relationship:

  1. Discuss significance of communication skills in mental health settings
  2. Describe techniques that facilitate or impede therapeutic communication in mental health settings
  3. Demonstrate ‘use of therapeutic self’ while dealing with clients with mental health problems in selected settings.

B: Mental health assessment:

  1. Discuss nature, purpose and process of mental health assessment
  2. Begin to analyze clinical findings that indicate mental health problems in selected clients.

C: Self Awareness:

  1. Define self awareness
  2. Establish relationship between self-awareness and development of therapeutic relationship in mental health setting.

Unit III: Factors Affecting Mental Health and Mental Illness

  1. Describe biological, sociocultural and interpersonal factors and their impact on mental health and mental illness
  2. Discuss stress and adaptation, and its relationship with mental health and mental illness

Unit IV: Bio-Psychosocial Interventions 

  1. Discuss effective ways of managing anger
  2. Discuss cognitive behavioral therapy
  3. Discuss psychopharmacological interventions
  4. Describe the mechanism of action, clinical use, and side effects related to drugs used in mental health settings
  5. Identify role of the nurse in psychopharmacological treatments
  6. Analyze relevance and appropriateness of these therapies in the field of mental health

Unit V: Psychopharmaco dynamaic 

Click Here for slides of unit 5- 7. 

(needs to develop objectives)

Unit VI: Personality Disorders

  1. Discuss the development of personality disorders.
  2. Discuss some common features exhibited by individuals with antisocial and borderline personality disorder. 
  3. Explore causative factors of personality disorders
  4. Utilize nursing process based on an understanding of the psychodynamics’ of clients exhibiting various maladaptive behaviors in selected situations.

Unit VII: Mental health Problems & Therapeutic Interventions

A: Anxiety and dysfunctional anxiety responses

  1. Discuss the concept of anxiety
  2. Discuss physiological, perceptual, cognitive, and behavioural effects of anxiety
  3. Discuss various dysfunctional anxiety responses [Generalized anxiety disorder, Post traumatic stress disorder, Phobia, Obsessive Compulsive disorder, Conversion reaction] and their basis in etiology
  4. Demonstrate understanding of the principles of nursing and psychosocial care, while caring for clients with dysfunctional anxiety responses.

B: Altered mood states:

  1. Describe the continuum of adaptive and maladaptive emotional response
  2. Discuss phenomenon of ‘depression’ Analyse the prevailing psychological, biological, and social theories that serves as basis for caring for clients with altered mood statesAnalyse the human responses to mood alterations Discuss effective nursing and psychosocial interventions for clients with Altered mood states

C: Deliberate self-harm and suicidal behaviour:

  1. Describe the continuum of adaptive and maladaptive self- protective responses
  2. Discuss prevalence of self harm and suicidal behaviour in Pakistani population.
  3. Explore predisposing factors, precipitating stressors, and appraisal of stressors related to self-protective responses
  4. Discuss effect to nursing interventions related to self-protective responses.

D: Altered thoughts and perceptions:

  1. Describe ‘schizophrenia’ in light of altered thoughts and perceptions
  2. Distinguish key positive and negative symptoms found in clients with thought disorder
  3. Analyze human response to schizophrenia with emphasis on perception, thought, activity, and consciousness, affect, and interpersonal relationship
  4. Analyze predisposing factors, precipitating stressors and appraisal of stressors related to schizophrenia
  5. Discuss principles of care for helping client suffering from altered thoughts and perceptions and their families.

E: Substance abuse and dealing with aggressive clients:

  1. Define the terms related to substance abuse
  2. Discuss predisposing factors related to substance abuse
  3. Describe different categories of drugs of abuse and their specific effects
  4. Discuss principle of care for client who abuses the drug.
  5. Define violence, its possible causes and characteristics
  6. Describe theories contributing to the development of aggressive behaviour
  7. Identify factors useful in predicting aggressive behaviour among clients
  8. Discuss strategies to assess patients with aggressive behaviors
  9. Relate behaviors and values of nurses related to violence and substance abuse
  10. Discuss primary and secondary prevention of aggression in hospital setting.

Unit VIII: Childhood Mental Disorders

Click here for slides of unit 8-13. 

(needs to develop objectives)

Unit-IX: Geriatric Mental Health problems:

  1. Identify and describe the elements of a comprehensive psychiatric assessment of elderly clients with compromised cognition.
  2. Discuss Dementia and delirium in relation to mental health of elderly
  3. Analyze nursing care needs for elderly clients with mental health problems.

Unit X: Community Mental Health Nursing

  1. Discuss various models of community mental health nursing and its relevance to Pakistan
  2. Analyze functions of mental health nurse in community setting of Pakistan
  3. Demonstrate understanding of faith healing practices as local resource for community mental health in Pakistan.

Unit XI: Rehabilitation and Recovery:

  1. Define tertiary prevention and rehabilitation
  2. Discuss the behaviors and rehabilitative needs of people with serious mental health problems
  3. Discuss response of families and communities towards rehabilitative needs of clients. 


  1. Boyd, M. A. (2002). Psychiatric nursing: Contemporary practice (2nd ed). Philadelphia: Lippincott.
  2. Burgess, A. W. (1998). Advanced practice of psychiatric nursing. London: Prentice Hall.
  3. Fortinash, K. M., & Holoday-Worret, P. A. (2004). Psychiatric mental health nursing (5th ed). St. Louis: Mosby.
  4. Frisch, N. C., & Frisch, L. E. (2002). Psychiatric mental health nursing (2nd ed). Albany: Delmar Publishers.
  5. Gadit, A., & Khalid, N. (2002). State of mental health: Service, education & research. (4th ed). Karachi: Hamdard Foundation.
  6. Gamble, C., & Brennan, G. (Eds.). (2000). Working with serious mental illness: A manual for clinical practice: London: Bailliere Tindall.
  7. Keltner, N. L., Schwecke, L. H., & Bostrom, C. E. (2003). Psychiatric nursing (4th ed). St. Louis: Mosby.
  8. Neeb, K. (2001). Fundamentals of mental health nursing. Philadelphia: F.A.Davis Company.
  9. O’ Brien, P. G., Kennedy, W. Z., & Ballard, K. A. (1999). Psychiatric nursing: An integration of theory and practice. New York: McGraw Hill.
  10. O’Brien, A. J. (2001). The therapeutic relationship: Historical development and contemporary significance. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 8, 129-137.
  11. Shives, L. R. (2002). Basic concepts of psychiatric mental health nursing (5th ed). Philadelphia: F. A Davis.
  12. Stuart, G. W., & Laraia, M. T. (2001). Psychiatric nursing: Principles and practice of psychiatric nursing (7th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.
  13. Thompson, T., & Mathias, P. (2000). Lyttle’s mental health and disorder (3rd ed). London: Bailliere Tindall.
  14. Townsend, M. C. (2003). Psychiatric mental health nursing: Concepts of care (4th ed). Philadelphia: Lippincott.
  15. Varcarolis, E. M. (2002). Foundation of psychiatric mental health nursing (4th ed). Philadelphia: Saunders.
  16. Videbeck, S. L. (2004). Psychiatric mental health nursing. Philadelphia: Lippincott.