Community Health Nursing 1

Are you looking for the nursing notes or slides of community health nursing of semester 2 of Generic BS Nursing?

Then you are in the right place. Here you will find all the lectures and slides related to community health nursing part 1.


Overview of Community Health Nursing:

This course is of 3 Credit hours. With a focus on primary health care and the effects of the environment on health, it will expose you to the fundamental ideas of community health nursing. You are introduced to the elements affecting the health of the person, family, and community in this course. Through field trips, you will also get information of the Pakistani healthcare system, elements of health education, community services, and organizations.


Course Objectives:

On completion of the course you will be able to do the following things.

1. Discuss the role of a community health nurse and other health team members.

2. Describe the concept of Primary Health Care as a strategy for achieving the Alma Ata Declaration of “Health for All by the Year 2000 and beyond (2025).”

3. Identify services provided by the government health care system in Pakistan.

4. Discuss the effects of the environment on health.

5. Learn the process of Health Education.

6. Use Nursing Process with guidance to provide nursing care to the clients in communities through Home visits and health education


Clinical Objectives:

On completion of field visits the you will be able to:

1. Discuss the structure and functions of health care facilities run by government and non-government organizations.

2. Identify the role and responsibilities of staff working in each visited facility

3. Describe the processes of:

        ·      Sewerage treatment

        ·      Water purifications at large scale

        ·      Milk transportation & preservation

        ·      Meat slaughtering, handling and distribution

4. Identify environmental issues exist and their effects on health

5. Discuss the role of CHN in maintaining healthy environment

6. Begin to use the nursing process during the home visits.

7. Utilize various methods of health education while providing health education to the clients.


Teaching/Learning Strategies:

Within many method, some will be used during this course, such as; Interactive discussions, presentation, group activities, visual aids, case studies, slides, role-plays and field visits.


Evaluation Criteria:

According to the new evaluation criteria, 30% marks will be internal and 70% will be of KMU or other university.

        ·      Mid-term exam 35%

        ·      Health Education process evaluation 20 %

        ·      Final exam 45%

        ·      Clinical pass/fail/grade


Course Summary

Following are the list of units, which will be taught in this course.


Unit No



Introduction to Community Health Nursing


Primary Health Care (PHC)


Pakistan Health Care System


International Health Organizations and Nursing Organizations


The Environment and Its Impact on Community Health


Health Education


Introduction to Home Visiting


Unit 1: Introduction to Community Health Nursing (Download)

In this unit you will discuss the history, philosophy and definition of Community Health Nursing. In this unit they will also discuss concepts of health and illness and the role of public health care team members.

At the completion of this unit, you will be able to:

    1.    Define the terms:

1.    Community

2.    Community health, and

3.    Community health nursing

    1.    Urban & rural communities

    2.    Discuss the historical background of Community Health Nursing from Public Health Nursing.

    3.    Describe the philosophy of Community Health Nursing.

    4.    Discuss the concepts of health, wellness, illness and disease.

    5.    Discuss the roles of the Community Health Nurse in community settings.



 Unit 2: Primary Health Care (PHC) (Download)

In this unit, you will have an opportunity to discuss the Declarations of Alma Ata and its strategy: Primary Health Care. Furthermore, they will discuss the elements principle and application of PHC in Pakistan.

At the completion of this unit, you will be able to:

    1.    Explain Alma Atta Deceleration “Health for All by the Year 2000” and beyond.

    2.    Define Primary care and PHC

    3.    Describe the five basic principle of PHC

    4.    Explain the elements of PHC in relation to health

    5.    Discuss application of PHC in Pakistan


Unit 3: Pakistan Health Care System (Download)

In this unit, you will be introduced to Health Services/Organizations available in Pakistan. In addition, you discuss health services available within the Government/Private Health Care System. Furthermore, they will explore the roles of the health team members within the system.

At the completion of this unit, you will be able to:

1.    Define the terms, system, and health care system.

2.    Identify the health services available to community by Pakistan Government Health Care System.

3.    Explain the roles of health care team members within the health care system.

4.    Discuss the Devolution Plan of 2000



Unit 4: International Health Organizations and Nursing Organizations

At the completion of this unit, you will be able to learn the following things.

        ·      Nursing Organization

-       International Council of Nursing

-       World Health Organization

-       Pakistan Nursing Association, Federation and Council


Unit 5: The Environment and Its Impact on Community Health

In this unit, you will explore the effects of environment on individuals’ and community health. In addition, these you will discuss the CHN role, is played to maintain healthy environment.

At the completion of this unit, you will be able to learn the:

1.    Environment

-       Definition of `environment’

-       Component of environment and

-       Factors and its impact on community health


2.    Water (Download)

-       Definition of safe and wholesome water

-       Uses of water

-       Daily requirements for one person.

-       Sources of water and its pollution

-       Water-borne diseases (viral, Bacterial, protozoal, worms etc.)

-       Water purification at small and large scales.



3.    Community Wastes Management

-       Definition of refuse / solid waste, and sewage

-       Methods for solid waste and sewage disposal

-       Types of latrines used in communities

-       Fecal-borne diseases

-       Control of fecal-borne diseases

-       Types of rodents

-       Disease transmission by rodent

-       Control of rodents


4.    Food Sanitation (Download)

-       Definition of healthy foods

-       Methods of food preservation.

-       Principles of safe food handling.

-       Prevention at transmission of food-borne diseases

-       Control of food-borne disease.



5.    Air/ Ventilation & Housing

-       Define ventilation

-       Discuss the importance of air & ventilation

-       Discuss effects of poor ventilation on health

-       Describe the types standard, and needs of housing,

-       Discuss effects of poor housing on health


Unit 6: Health Education (Download)

In this unit, you will be introduced to concepts related to health education and its principles including various approaches to its provision.

At the completion of this unit, you will be able to:

        1.    Define the term;

·      teaching

·      learning

·      health education

    2.    Explain the purpose and goal of health education

    3.    Discuss principles of teaching learning.

    4.    Describe various strategies, which can be used to deliver health education.

    5.    Develop a teaching Plan and conduct mock health session on a selected topic.



Unit 7: Introduction to Home Visiting (Download)

In this unit, you will be this unit you will discuss the principles, purposes and steps of home visiting

At the completion of this unit, you will be able to:

1.    Define homes visiting.

2.    Discuss the principles, purposes and advantages of Home Visiting in community.

3.    Describe the steps of Home Visiting.





1. Allender, J. A., Spradley, B. W. (2000). Community Health Nursing: Concepts and practice New York: Lippincott.

2. Ali, S. Z. (July 2000). Health for all in Pakistan: Achievements Strategies and Challenges. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 6. 4, 832-837.

3. Ansari. I. M., (2003) Community medicine and public health. (6th ed) Karachi.

4. Basavanthappa, B. T. (1999). Community health nursing (1st ed.). New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers.

5. Bull, J., McCormic, G. Swann, C., Mulvihill, C. Evidence briefing (February 2004), Antenatal and postnatal home visiting programs: A review of reviews (Summary). Retrieved from

6. Clarke. J., (1999) Revising the concepts of community care and community health nursing. Nursing Standards, 10 34-36.

7. Chagani, J. A. (2002, August 29). Health Education `A missing pillar’. Arab News pp.13.

8. Islam. A., Taheer. M. Z. (2002). Health sector reform in south Asia:New Challenges and constrains. Health Policy and Planning, 60, 151169

9. Iliyas, M. (2003). Community medicine & public health (6th ed.). Karachi: Time Publisher.

10. Karachi Health Devolution plan (2000) Net sites:

11. McEwen, M. & Nice, M. A. (2001). Community health nursing: Promoting the health of population. Toronto: Saunders

12. “Pakistan Government health care system 1997” The Aga Khan University School of Nursing unpublished document.

13. Slam. A (2002). Health sector reforms in Pakistan: Why is it needed. Pakistan Medical Associations, 52, (3), 95-100.

14. World health organization (WHO, 1990) Primary Health Care towards the year 2000. Report of consultative on primary health care development held in Geneva.

15. Kozier, B., Erb, G. & Oliveri, R. (1991) Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts Process. and Practice. (4th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book.

16. Ellis, J. R. & Hartley, C. L. (1992). Nursing in today’s world: Challenges! Issues and trends. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott.