English 3

In this course, you will get all the lectures and slides of English 3rd semester of Generic BS Nursing. Here in this article, you will find slides and notes of the following topics which you can read online and also download it so that you can read it offline.


English 3 download ppt

English 3 Outline

Here are the units which will be cover in this course.

Unit No

Topic Name


Speed Reading


Reading and Summarizing


Paragraph Development


Nursing Objectives






        Writing Short Applications using Language of Request.

Also read slides of English 6 by Clicking Here 

and to read English 5, Click Here

Unit 1: Speed Reading

This unit is designed to help increase your reading speed. It aims at helping achieve a higher reading rate, which will also help them in other subjects in addition to English.

At the completion of this unit, you will be able to:

1. Read with speed, articles on topics of general/specific interest

2. Practice rapid reading with no loss of comprehension

3. Identify and overcome some obstacles to faster reading

4. Refrain from some bad reading habits such as finger pointing and vocalizing

5. Skim to get the main idea that sums up the whole paragraph

6. Scan portions of text for specific information

7. Enhance general reading speed through over viewing


Unit 2: Reading and Summarizing (Download)

This unit trains you to build their summarizing skills by selecting significant points from a text / article and rejecting unwanted / irrelevant information. It also emphasizes on the importance of giving an accurate and objective account of a given text in your own words.

At the completion of this unit, you will be able to learn the followings.

1. Skim through a given text to get an overall/global understanding

2. Read again to get a deeper, more detailed understanding

3. Select the main points and jot them down in note form

4. Convert the main points into complete sentences

5. Arrange sentences in logical sequence

6. Check for factual errors

7. Write a fair copy of the shortened version


Unit 3: Paragraph Development

This unit discusses the key features of a paragraph, i.e. its structural components, unity, and coherence. It enables you write unified, coherent paragraphs in the form of field visit reports/summaries.

At the completion of this unit, you will be able to:

1. Brainstorm ideas in the form of word clusters, mind map or spider gram etc

2. Practice free writing

3. Use pre- writing strategies to write a paragraph outline

4. Identify the structural components of a paragraph

5. Write a topic sentence that states the main idea

6. Write supporting details that develop the main idea

7. Arrange sentences in a logical order

8. Use transitions to ensure a smooth flow of ideas

9. Restate the main idea effectively in the concluding sentence

10. Describe a person and / or object, incorporating all the skills learnt in this unit


Unit 4: Nursing objectives

This unit aims at establishing the importance of documenting accurate, complete and comprehensive nursing objectives in an organized manner.

At the completion of this unit, you will be able to:

1. Follow general guidelines for writing correct nursing objectives

2. During the purpose of writing nursing objectives

3. Differentiate between objectives and goals

4. Write nursing objectives in proper sequence

5. Employ appropriate and measurable action verbs.

6. Evaluate objectives against the SMART criterion


Unit V Grammar

This unit aims at enabling you to make appropriate use of specified grammatical items.

At the completion of this unit, you will be able to learn the following.

1. Complete sentences and paragraphs using the appropriate form of the present and past continuous tense.

2. Maintain subject verb agreement in sentences (Download)

3. Write sentences using the correct word order

4. Convert active sentences into passive and vice versa (Download)

5. Change direct speech into indirect speech and vice versa (Download)

6. Differentiate between present perfect and past simple (Download)

7. Use the definite and indefinite articles correctly

8. Insert correct prepositions of time and place in sentences



Unit 6 Vocabulary

This unit is designed to build you verbal skills by familiarizing them with new vocabulary items. At the completion of this unit you will be able to learn

1. Use the dictionary with facility

2. Identify various parts of speech

3. Enhance their knowledge of root words

4. Learn some of the common suffixes and prefixes used in medical terminology

5. Use some of the idiomatic phrases used to describe physical ailments

6. Enhance their knowledge of idioms and phrasal verbs in general


Unit 7: Writing Short Applications Using Language of Request

This unit focuses on teaching you the correct format/layout and language of letters of request. At the completion of this unit you will be able to learn the following.

1. Write accurate, to the point, clear and courteous letters of request

2. Follow the basic pattern purpose, circumstance, action

3. Use appropriate salutation

4. Include relevant information

5. Convince and persuade the recipient



1. American Psychological Association. Retrieved April 08, 2006, from http://www.apa.org/

2. Barnet, S., & Bedan, H. (1996).Current issues and enduring questions: A guide to critical thinking argument with reading (4th ed.). Boston: Bedford.

3. Davidson, G. (2005). Get your message across: Improve your spelling. London: Penguin.

4. Eastwood, J. (2004). Oxford practice grammar. Karachi: Oxford University Press.

5. Gelfand, H., & Charles J. Walker, J. C. (Eds.). (2001). Mastering APA style: Instructor’s resource guide (5th ed.).Washington: American Psychological Association.

6. Gelfand, H., & Charles J. Walker, J. C. (Eds.). (2001). Mastering APA style: Student's workbook and training guide (5th ed.).Washington: American Psychological Association.

7. Howe, D. H., Kirkpatrick,T. A., & Kirkpatrick, D. L. (2004). English for undergraduates. Karachi: Oxford University Press.

8. Moon, J. A., (1999). Reflections in learning and professional development. London: Kogan Page.

9. Maker, J., & Lenie, M. (1996). Academic reading with active critical thinking. Cambridge: Wadsworth.

10. Murphy, R. (2004). Murphy’s English Grammar (3rd ed.).New Delhi: Cambridge University Press.

11. Kirkpatrick, B. (2004). English for social interaction: Social expressions. Singapore: You Publishing.

12. Seaton, A. (2004). Understanding spelling: Making sense of the rules, exceptions, and word formation. Singapore: You Publishing.