English 6

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English 6 slides download

English 6 outline:

In this course of English, you will be able to learn the following units and objectives. 

You can also read slides of English 5 by clicking here.

Unit I Academic Writing (Download)

This unit would assist you to improve upon their academic writing, with special focus on language used in comparison and contrast, and cause and effect. By the end of this unit, you will be able to learn the following. 

  • Develop unity within ideas presented
  • Support ideas with evidence
  • Organize ideas coherently
  • Use appropriate sentence structure
  • Use specific transitional words / phrase effectively
  • Write essays presenting effective arguments

Unit II Incident Reports (Download)

The aim of this unit is to enhance you language skills to be able to detect problems, determine their causes and resolve the issues while writing incident reports. By the end of this unit you will be able to:

  • Identify the purpose for writing incident report
  • Exploit guidelines for incident reports
  • Write organized incident report
  • Use appropriate language for writing incident reports.

Unit III Proof reading & Editing Skills (Download)

The unit will guide you to realize that academic writing is a process that involves drafting and re-drafting to craft your paper into its final form. You will review and re-work on texts keeping in mind the purpose of writing and the audience it is being written for. By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

  • Understand what is involved in editing
  • Edit for structure-organization
  • Edit for style-tone
  • Proof read for spellings, punctuation, grammar

Unit IV References & Citations in APA Style (Download)

The course is designed to enhance the scientific information of the learners. In addition the course will also improve the scholarly and technical information of the learners. By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

  • Understand what plagiarism involves
  • Cite sources (quotations and paraphrasing)
  • Compile a reference list
  • Use levels of headings
  • Use APA style in written assignments.


1. American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American psychological association. (5th ed.). Washington, DC

2. American Psychological Association. Retrieved April 08, 2006, from http://apa.org/

3. Axelrod, R. B., & Coper, C. R. (1990). Reading critically, writing well: A reader and guide (2nd ed.) New York: St Martin’s Press.

4. Crawford, P., Brown, B., & Nolan, P. (1998). Communicating care: The language of nursing. Cheltenham: Stanely Thornes.

5. Davidson, W. (2001) Business writing: What works, what won’t (Rev. ed.). New York: St. Martin’s Griffin.

6. Emmerson, P. (2004). Email English. Oxford: Macmillan.

7. Fisher, A. (2004). Critical thinking: An introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

8. Glendinning, E. H., & Holmstrom, B. (2004). Study teaching: A course in reading skills for academic purposes (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

9. Gelfand, H., Charles J., & Walker, J. C. (Eds.). (2001). Mastering APA style: Instructor’s resource guide (5th ed.). Washington: American Psychological Association.

10. Hacker, D. (1998). A writer’s reference. (3rd ed.). Boston: Bedford books.

11. Langan, J. (2005). College writing skills (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

12. Langan, J. (2002). English skills with readings (5th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.

13. Mosback, G., & Mosback, V. (2003). Practical faster reading: A course in reading and vocabulary for upper-intermediate and more advanced students. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

14. Murphy, R. (2004). Murphy’s English Grammar (3rd ed.). New Delhi: Cambridge University Press.

15. Rosen, L. J. (1998). Decisions: A writer’s handbook. Toronto: Allyn & Bacon.

16. Ruetten, M. K. (2004). Focus on writing: Developing composition skills through instruction and practice 1. Singapore: Learners Publishing.

17. Smalley, R. L., Ruetten, M. K., & Kozyrev, J. R. ( 2001). Refining & composition skills: Rhetoric and grammar (5th ed.). Boston: Heinle & Heinle.

18. Smaley, R. L., Ruetten, M. K., & Kozyrer, J. R. (2004). Focus on Writing: Refining composition skills through instruction and practice 2. Singapore: Learners Publishing

19. Young, A. R., & Stranch, A. O. (1998). Nitty gritty grammar: Sentence essentials for writers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

20. Wallace, M. J. (2004). Study skills in English: A course in reading skills for academic purposes (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press