Nursing Ethics

Are you looking for the nursing notes of Nursing Ethics of generic BS nursing 4th semester?

Then you are at right place. Here you will find all the Notes and slides of the Nursing Ethics which is being taught in the 4th semester of Generic BS Nursing.


Nursing ethic slides

Nursing Ethics Overview

This course of nursing ethics is of 1 credit hour. It is designed to provide the learner with an overview of basic concepts of ethics, its theory, principles, and norms. This course will raise awareness of factors that needs to consider when dealing with ethical decisions and affirm nursing as an ethically responsible profession. It will also give a place for student to reflect about concerns or ethical difficulty which they find throughout their clinical practice.

Course Objectives:

By the completion of the course, learners will be able to:

1. Define ethical principles in health care.

2. Discuss ethical, moral and professional responsibilities of the nurse.

3. Discuss the nurse’s individual liability with in the ethical scope of nursing practice.

4. Identify ethical concern at the clinical area and discuss alternatives for the identified ethical concerns.

5. Discuss the changing health environment for the role of nurse in delivery of ethical nursing care



Interactive lectures, small group discussions, role play, group presentation, debate and case-studies discussion.


Evaluation Criteria:

According to the new evaluation criteria, 30% marks will be internal and 70% will be of KMU or other university.

·      Debate 20%

·      Diary-Journal (monthly) 20

·      Final Exam 40

·      Case based classroom test 20%

·      Total 100%


Nursing Ethics Outline

The following given units will be taught in this course of nursing ethics. You can also read slides of Mental health nursing by Clicking Here.

Unit No



Introduction to Nursing Ethics



Value Set



Ethical Principles and Theories



Confidentiality and Informed consent



Bills of Rights



Code of Ethics



Professional Autonomy and Ethics



Ethical Dilemma in Professional Practice



International Health Organizations and Nursing Organizations



Unit I Introduction to Nursing Ethics (Download)

1. Define the terms: ethics, nursing ethics and bio-ethics, value, belief, morals, attitude, conflict, dilemma, ethical dilemma

2. Discuss importance of ethics in nursing

3. Review criteria of a profession

4. Develop Characteristics of a Professional Nurse


Unit II Value Set (Download)

1. Define Value &value clarification

2. List types of values

3. Identify personal, societal, organizational professional and moral values

4. Explain modes of value transmission

5. Recognize value conflicts and its implication to nursing practice.

6. List advantages of value clarification in nursing profession.

7. Develop professional values

8. Discuss implication of Nursing Care Ethics in Divers Society.


Unit III Ethical Principles and Theories (Download)

1. Discuss ethical principles in health care in the light of ethical theories.

2. Discuss the ethical dilemmas face by nurses and client.

3. Discuss the strategies to resolve ethical dilemma in daily nursing practice.

4. List steps of ethical decision-making


Unit IV Confidentiality and Informed consent (Download)

1. Define confidentiality and informed consent

2. Discuss the importance of confidentiality & consent

3. List ethical and legal elements of informed consent

4. Discuss the process informed consent.

5. Discuss nurse’s roles and responsibilities in consent process

6. Implication of case consultation in nursing ethics.


Unit V Bills of Rights (Download)

1. Define rights & bills of right.

2. List the types of rights.

3. Describe the role of nurse in relation to bills of right.

4. Explain patient’s bills of right in a tertiary care health facility.


Unit VI Code of Ethics (Download)

1. Define code & code of ethics.

2. List the function & elements of ethical code

3. Explain code of ethics by ICN and Pakistan Nursing Council

4. Compare code of ethics by ICN and Pakistan Nursing Council

5. Discuss application of code of ethics in clinical settings.

6. Define Nursing Pledge in relation to code of ethics.


Unit VII Professional Autonomy and Ethics (Download)

1. Define profession, professional, autonomy, accountability and unity.

2. Discuss the characteristics of professional nurse.

3. Relate the code of ethics to professional status.

4. Discuss the professional autonomy and ethics.

5. Relate accountability to professional status.

6. Discuss the concept of unity and its relationship to professional status in nursing.

7. Relate Nursing ethics to standards of nursing practice.


Unit VIII Ethical Dilemma in Professional Practice (Download)

1. Define dilemma and professional obligation

2. Identify common areas of negligence and nurses’ liability in these areas.

3. Discuss nurses’ advocacy in various scenarios and clinical cases related to the following;

·      Life support equipment

·      Selling body parts

·      Risk management and occupational hazards.

·      Documentation of nursing care.

·      Employment issues

·      Medical malpractice lawsuit



Unit-IX: International Health Organizations and Nursing Organizations (Download)

1. Identify Nursing Organization all over the world

2. Discuss function of International Council of Nursing

3. Discuss the role of World Health Organization

4. Elaborate the functions of Pakistan Nursing Association, Federation and Council.


Clinical Objectives:

1. Learners are required to apply ethical concept in clinical setting (FON, AHN, Advanced Concepts of Nursing and CHN)

2. Demonstrate characteristics of a professional nurse.

3. Explore and demonstrate respect patients’ / families values and beliefs’ clinical setting

4. Develop professional values.

5. Integrate nursing code of ethics and ethical principles in clinical setting.

6. Observes the consent process in clinical setting

7. Demonstrate respect for rights of patients and others

8. Identify ethical concerns/issues in clinical setting and discuss alternatives for identified ethical concern.

9. Practice standard format for documentation of nursing care.


GUIDELINE FOR DEBATE in Nursing Ethics (20%)

·      Each group will choose a topic. Please take prior appointment for your group for topic submission. All members are required to come for finalization of topic.

·      Each group will have two teams. One team will present arguments in favor of topic (Pro team). The other team will present arguments in opposition to the topic. (Con team)

·      Each group will be required to submit reference file on the of debate.

·      Each team will have 20 minutes

·      A member from Pro team presents arguments. 3 minutes

·      A member from Con team will present argument. 3 minutes.

·      Question and Answers for both group 10 minutes.

·      Conclusion from both teams 2 minutes each.


Suggested Topics for Debate:

1.    Patients have right to live and die.

2.    Abortions should be legalized.

3.    Clients have right to know about their disease and prognosis.

4.    Placebos should be permitted in Health care.

5.    Clients have right to receive and refuse treatment.

6.    Who deserves the priority for treatment? A child aged 5 years or a 55-year elderly man.

7.    Who should make the decisions patient or family or health team

8.    Society benefit vs patients’ benefit (e.g. aids).

9.     Should organs be sold or not

10. Should family be present during CPR/procedures or not

11. Should the culture be respected or not while caring (When conflict with medicine)

12. Should learners practice / learn on patients or not.

13. Who should take care the spiritual need? Nurse or spiritual leader?

14. Should the literature be used from any source with out acknowledgement or not.



The purpose of the diary is

·      To show that you recognize ethical and legal problems in your practice

·      To show that you understood what you read in your required self-selected reading

·      To show how it affected your thoughts, feelings, and actions in your nursing practice.

 The Diary-Journal is a log of the ethical/legal aspects of your practice with patients during the semester. It contains 4 things:

1. Each week in your clinical classes, the students must select one of the patients you are caring for. Choose at least one ethical or legal concern that arose during the nursing care of each of these patients, and then thoroughly explain it in your journal, including all the relevant information.

2. Students are expected to read the assigned readings for each subject as well as articles and books of their own choosing. Write down what you read as well as the date that you did it in your diary. After summarizing what you read, describe how it changed your beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors when working with a particular patient the following week.

3. At the end of the journal, students must select 1 of the nursing ethical duties that were mentioned in one of the patient circumstances that they had to write about. Then clearly outline the rights, obligations, and ethical or moral responsibilities we have in the circumstance. Give references from further readings to back up your response. List the takeaways from this encounter.



1. Aiken T. D & Catalano, J. L (1994) Legal, Ethical and Political Issues in Nursing. Philadelphia F. A. Davis

2. Austin, W (2001) using the Human Rights Paradigm, in Health Ethics: The problems & The possibilities. Nursing Ethics 8(3) pg 183-193.

3. Bandman & Bandman (1995). Nursing Ethics through the life span (3rd ed.) New-York: Appleton & Lange. 4. Barnes, J (2002) when, Life ever should The State Be Able to medicate or mentally ill person against her will [on-line]. Available: http:// can. gser. edu/sba/docket/mentally-ill.htm.

5. Beauchamp T. L. and Childress, J. F (2002) Principles of Bio medical Ethics (5th ed) New-York Oxford

6. Breier-Mackie, S (2001) patient Antomony & Medical Paternity: Can nurses help doctor to listen to patient. Nursing Ethics. (6) pg 510-519

7. Burkhardt, M. A. & Nathaniel, A. K. (1998). Ethics & Issue: In Contemporary Nursing. Delmar: ITP.

8. Carter. M. (1999) Betrayard of Trust. Nursing Times. August 11, 95 (32) pg. 34-35.

9 Chally, P. M. (1998). Decision making in practice. American Journal of Nursing, 6 (98). pg. 17-20

10. DeLaune, S. C. & Ladner, P. K. (1998). Fundamentals of Nursing Standards & Practise. Delmar, ITP.

11. Davis, A. J. and Aroskar, M. A., (1991). Ethical dilemmas and nursing practice. (3rd ed.)

12. Gallagher, E. Etall. (1998). “To enrich bio-ethics, add one part social to one part clinical.

13. Bio-ethics & society: Constructing the ethical enterprise. Englewood cliffs, NJ: Prentice hall. pg 166-191.

14. Glen; S & Jownally; S (1995) Privacy. A key Nursing concept.British Journal of Nursing. Vol 4 (2) pg 69-72.

15. Green, C. (1999) Confidentiality & the law. Nursing times. February 5 (7) pg.53-55.

16. Gulley, S (1999). Dealing with the dilemmas of confidentiality. Nursing Times. January 6, 95(11).

17 Hallstrom, I. & Elander, G. (2001). Needs During Hospitalization: Defination & Description made by patient. Nursing Ethics. 8(5) pg 409-417.

18. Hyder, A.a. & Nadeem, S, (2001) Health Ethics in Pakistn: A Literature Review of its present state. Journal of Health Population Nutrition. March 19 (1) 6-11

19 Joy Curtis, M. B. (1992). Ethics in Nursing (3rd ed.)

20. Kenworthy, N., Snowley, G., & Gilling, C. (1992). Common Foundation studies in Nursing: Churchill Living Stone: New York.

21. Kozier, & Erb, G. (1995). Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts and procedures, (5th ed.) California. Addison-Wesley.

22. Mc Hale, J., Gallagher, A & Marson, I (2001). The U.K Human Rights Act 1998: Implication for Nurses. Nursing Ethics 8 93) pg. 221-232.

23. Merakou.K, Dalla-Vorgia.P, Garanis-Papadatos.T, Kourea-Kremastinou. J (2001), Satisfying patients’ rights: A hospital patient survey. Nursing Ethics 8 (6) pg.499-507.

24. Merakou, K., Dalta Vorgia, P., Garanis Papadatos, T. & Kourea Kremastinon, J. (2001) satisfying patient’s Rights: A Hospital patient survery. Nursing Ethics. 8 (6) pg. 499-507

25. Moazam, F (2000) Families Patient & Physician in Medical Decision making: A Pakistani

26. Perspective Hasting Center Report November-December pg. 28-37.

27. Neal, K. (2000). Can nurses refuse to care for a patient? Nursing Times January 27, 96 (4) pg. 31.

28. Potter, P. A & Perry, A. G. (2003). Basic Nursing: Essential for Practice. 5th (ed). Mosby.

29. Potter, P. & Perry. A (1993). Fundamental of Nursing: Concept, Process & Practice, 3rd ed. Toronto. Mosby.

30. Pattison, S (2001). Are Nursing codes of practice Ethical. Nursing Ethics. 8 (1) pg 5-17.

31. Raja, A. J. & Wikler, D (2001). Developing Bio Ethics in Developing countries. J. Health Population Nutrition. 19 (1): 4-5

32. Roger, B (2002). Honesty and Ethics in the professions; Gallup Poll results. AAOHN Journal .April 50 (4) pg 167-169

33. Thiel. G. V. & Delden J. V. (2001) The principles of Respect for autonomy in the care of nursing home Residents. Nursing Ethics 8 (5) pg. 419-431.