Anatomy and Physiology 1

Are you looking for the nursing notes or slides of Anatomy and Physiology 1 of semester 1 of Generic BS Nursing?

Then you are at the right place. Here you will find all the lectures and slides related with the anatomy and physiology of the human body.


Overview of Anatomy and Physiology 1:

This course of anatomy and physiology is of 3 credit hours. It introduces you to the structures and functions of the human body. Knowledge of Anatomy & Physiology will provide a better understanding and integration to theoretical & clinical practice in nursing care situations.

Course Objectives:

On the completion of this course, you will be able to:

1. Describe the structure and function of various systems of the human body.

2. Discuss the role of homeostasis in maintaining normal body functioning.

3. Relate the basic anatomy & physiology concepts to the nursing care of clients.


Teaching/Learning Strategies:

This course can be taught through many methods. Some of which are; Dissection of animal cadaver, small group discussion, CD Rom, quizzes, class activities, self study and viva practice.

Course Expectations:

1. Attend all lectures as per policy.

2. Pre-reading and preparation for each class.

3. Completion of quizzes and examination on due dates.

4. Participates actively in classes and tutorials.


Evaluation Criteria:

According to the new evaluation criteria, 30% marks will be internal and 70% will be of KMU or other university.

·      Test (s) 45%

·      Viva Exam (s) 20%

·      Final Exam 35%

·      Total 100%


UNIT Summary

Following are the summary of all the unit covers in the course of anatomy and physiology.

Unit No



Introduction of the Course.

Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology

Body planes & cavities


Homeostasis and Adaptation



Cell, Tissue & Membrane

Tissues & Membrane


The Skeletal System

Axial Skeleton

Appendicular Skeleton


The Joints



The Muscular System



The Integumentary System

Nail & Hair


The Circulatory System


Blood vessels / Heart


Arterial System

Venous system


The Lymphatic system



The Digestive System

Structure and Function of Mouth, Pharynx & Oesophagus


To read slides of Biochemistry, Click Here

To read slides of English 1, Click Here

To read slides of Fundamental of Nursing 1, Click Here

To read slides of MicroBiology, Click Here

To read slides of Computer skills, Click here


Unit 1: Introduction to the Body as a Whole (Download)

At the completion of this unit, you will be able to:

·      Define the term Anatomy & Physiology (A&P)

·      Understand the relationship between A&P

·      Define level of organization of the body

·      Define anatomical position

·      Describe the various body planes.

·      Define the body cavities.

·      Discuss body cavities and list the organs lying within each cavity

·      Identify abdominal pelvic region & quadrant

·      Identify the organs present in Nine (9) abdomino pelvic regions.

·      Briefly discuss the importance of abdomino pelvic quadrants and regions.


Unit II: Homeostasis & Adaptation

At the completion of this unit, you will be able to:

·      Define the term homeostasis

·      Discuss the factors which effect homeostasis

·      Define feedback mechanism and its components.

·      Discuss the role of feedback mechanisms in maintenance of homeostasis with examples.


Unit III: Cell, Tissues & Membrane (download )

At the completion of this unit, you will be able to:

·      Describe the structure and functions of a cell

·      Discuss the process of cell division i.e. mitosis and meiosis.

·      Briefly discuss the importance of mitosis & meiosis.

·      Classify the tissues of the body on the basis of structure, location and function into the following four major types.

o   Epithelial tissue

o   Connective tissue

o   Muscle tissue

o   Nervous tissue


Unit IV: The Skeletal System (Download)

At the completion of this unit, you will be able to:

·      Define skeletal system

·      Discuss the structure, types and functions of bone

·      List the functions of the skeletal system

·      Identify the bones of axial & appendicular skeleton.

·      Describe the various markings on the surface of bones

·      Describe the bones of:

o   The skull

o   Vertebral column

o   The rib cage or chest

o   Pectoral girdle and upper extremity

o   Pelvic girdle and lower extremity

·      Briefly discuss the difference between male & female pelvis.


Unit V: The Joints (Download)

At the completion of this unit, you will be able to:

·      Define the term joint.

·      List three types of joints I.e.

o   Fibrous

o   Cartilaginous

o   Synovial

·      Describe the common characteristic features of a synovial joint.

·      List the types of synovial joints.

·      Discuss the types of movements possible at synovial joints.



Unit VI: The Muscular System (Download)

At the completion of this unit, you will be able to:

·      Define the following terms fascia, epimysium perimysium, endomysium, tendons and aponeurosis

·      Describe the location and function of major muscles of:

o   The neck

o   The face

o   The back

o   The arms

o   The legs



Unit VII: Integumentary System (Skin, Nail & Hair) 


At the completion of this unit, you will be able to:

·      Describe the structure of two layers of skin

o   Epidermis

o   Dermis

·      Briefly discuss the structure & function of skin derivatives.

o   Sweat gland

o   Sebaceous gland

o   Hair

o   Nail

·      Discuss the following functions of skin

o   Protection

o   Regulation of body temperature

o   Sensation

o   Absorption

o   Excretion


Unit VIII: The Cardiovascular System (Download)

At the completion of this unit, you will be able to:

·      Define blood and list its functions

·      Describe the composition, sites of production and functions of cellular parts of blood and plasma

·      Briefly explain the ABO blood groups & Rh factor.

·      Explain the structure and function of:

o   Arteries

o   Veins &

o   Capillaries

·      Describe the location, structure and functions of the heart and its great blood vessels.

·      Discuss the blood flow through the heart

·      Describe the structure and functional features of the conducting system of the heart.

·      Describe the principle events of a cardiac cycle.

·      Describe the following types of blood circulation:

o   Pulmonary circulation

o   Systemic circulation (coronary & hepatic portal circulation).



Unit IX: The Lymphatic System (Download)

At the completion of this unit, you will be able to:

·      Define lymph & the lymphatic system

·      Identify the organs of lymphatic system

·      Describe the general functions of the lymphatic system

·      Describe how lymph is formed

·      Describe the lymph vessels & how lymph is returned to the blood vessels

·      Describe the structure and functions of the lymph nodes, nodules, spleen and the thymus glands.



Unit X: The Digestive System (Download)

At the completion of this unit, you will be able to:

·      define the digestive system and list its functions

·      Identify the various organs of digestive system

·      Describe the anatomy & physiology of digestive organs

·      Discuss the role of accessory organs in digestion

·      Discuss digestion of food with in

o   Mouth

o   Stomach

o   Small intestines

o   Large intestines

·      Discuss the absorption of nutrients in the digestive system

·      Discuss the process of defecation.




1. Guyton, A. C. (2001). Medical Physiology (10th ed) Washington: Kirokawa.

2. Tortora, G. J. (2000). Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology (3rd ed). New York: Happer & Row.