Pathophysiology 1

Are you looking for the nursing notes or slides of Pathophysiology 1 of semester 3 of Generic BS Nursing?

Then you are at the right place. Here you will find all the lectures and slides related with the pathophysiology. 

pathophysiology 1 download


Overview of Pathophysiology 1

This course is of 2 credit hours. It gives students the chance to expand on their understanding of changing physiological systems and how they affect the body's functioning condition. It also addresses the bodily reactions that contribute to illness manifestation. The selection and integration of the material are determined by the value of the information, abilities, and attitudes to the nurse in solving problems in the hospital, classroom, community, or home.


Course Objectives:

On completion pathophysiology of both semester of year II, you will be able to learn the followings.

1.    Discuss the factors in the environment, which contribute to produce changes in normal physiological processes of human body.

2.    Relate normal physiology with altered physiological mechanisms in disease process.

3.    Integrate the knowledge of the basic principles of Pathophysiology in caring a patient in hospital and community environment.

4.    Apply the knowledge and principles learnt through laboratory work in their nursing practice.


Teaching/Learning Strategies:

Within different methods, some of these methods will be used during the course of pathophysiology. They are; Pre-reading, lectures, lab work, group discussion, quiz, guest lectures, case base learning, field visits, self study and pre/post tests, etc.

Evaluation Criteria:

According to the new evaluation criteria, 30% marks will be internal and 70% will be of KMU or other university.

·      Test (s) 40%

·      Group Presentation 15%

·      Lab (Lab Performance) 15%

·      Final Exam 30%

·      Total 100%


Pathophysiology 1 Outline:


UNIT 1: Introduction to Pathophysiology (Download)

In this unit you will gain an introduction of Pathophysiology, the general concepts of disease and its development. At the end of this unit each you will be able to:

1. Define Pathology & Pathophysiology

2. Differentiate among Pathophysiology and other biomedical sciences

3. Discuss the basic concepts of disease and its development.

4. Briefly discuss each of the five components of the disease process:

·      Prevalence

·      Etiology

·      Pathogenesis

·      Clinical manifestation

·      Outcomes



UNIT 2: Mechanism of Infection & Inflammation (Download)

In this unit you will learn the mechanisms of infection and the local tissue response i.e. inflammation used to protect the body against foreign invaders.

At the end of this unit each you will be able to:

1. Describe the stages of an infectious disease after the point at which the potential pathogen enters the body.

2. List the systemic manifestation of infectious diseases

3. Discuss the purpose of inflammation

4. Describe the physiological mechanism involved in the production of five cardinal signs of inflammation

5. Differentiate the hemodynamic and cellular phases of inflammatory response

6. Differentiate between chronic and acute inflammation.



UNIT 3: Cellular Adaptation & Aberrant Cell Growth (Download)

In this unit you will gain an understanding of the cellular adaptive changes that permit survival and maintenance of body functions. It will also cover an overview of the relationship between stress and aberrant cell growth in the form of cancer. At the end of this unit each you will be able to:

1. Discuss the general changes in cell structure and function that occur as a result of normal adaptive processes.

2. Describe cellular changes that occur with Atrophy, Hypertrophy, Hyperplasia, Metaplasia and dysplasia and general conditions under which these changes occur.

3. Differentiate the neoplastic growth from normal adaptive changes

4. Differentiate between malignant and benign tumors.

5. Describe the Tumor, Nodes, Metastasis for cancer staging.

6. Describe the role of Proto oncogene & Anti-oncogene to transform normal cell line to cancer cell lina (Carcinogenesis)

7. Discuss the predisposing factors of aberrant cell growth.

8. List the characteristics of cancer cells.



UNIT 4: Trauma & Cell Injury (Download)

In this section you will gain an understanding of the important physiologic and pathophysiologic disruptions, which occurs in a patient suffering from trauma. At the completion of this unit you will be able:

1. Discuss trauma

2. Explain the process of cell injury

3. Discuss reversible & irreversible cell injury

4. Describe the mechanisms of cell injury that is;

·      hypoxic

·      free radical

·      chemical

·      physical

·      nutritional

5. Discuss cell death in terms of:

·      Mechanisms & types of necrosis

·      Mechanism & Significance of apoptosis



UNIT 5: Homeostasis Imbalances

In this unit you will discuss the alteration of fluid volume and electrolytes (excess & deficit). This unit will cover the acid base imbalances with special emphasis on acidosis and alkalosis.

A. Fluid Electrolyte Imbalance (Download 1 Download 2 )

At the end of this unit each you will be able to

1. Review the physiological mechanism responsible for the movement of fluid and electrolyte in the following body compartments.

·      Between Intra Cellular Fluid (ICF) & Extra Cellular Fluid (ECF)

·      Between Intravascular & interstitial.

2. Discuss the Starling’s Hypothesis to describe the movement of fluid across the capillary wall.

3. Discuss the classification of fluid electrolyte imbalance in terms of:

·      Isotonic imbalance

·      Osmotic imbalance

·      Compositional imbalance


4. Discuss the causes manifestation, and pathophysiology of following isotonic imbalance:

·      hypovolemia

·      hypervolemia


5. Discuss the causes, pathophysiology and clinical manifestation of the osmotic imbalance:

·      hyponatremia

·      hypernatremia


6. Discuss the causes, pathophysiology and clinical manifestation of compositional imbalance:

·      hypokalemia

·      hyperkalemia



B. Acid Base Imbalance (Download)

At the end of this unit each you will be able to

1. Review the physiological mechanism responsible to regulate acid base balance in the body i.e.

1. Buffers (phosphate, hemoglobin, carbonate)

2. Renal mechanism

3. Respiratory mechanism

4. Discuss the classification of acid base imbalance in terms of:

·      Respiratory acidosis

·      Respiratory alkalosis

·      Metabolic alkalosis

5. Discuss how to interpret the arterial blood gases (ABGs) to identify four types of acid base imbalance.

6. Discuss the causes, pathophysiology and clinical manifestation of

·      Respiratory acidosis & alkalosis.

·      Metabolic acidosis & alkalosis.



UNIT 6: Immunological Disorders (Download)

In this unit the you will gain an understanding of the mechanisms in which the immune system malfunctions. At the end of this unit each you will be able to:

1. Review the following concepts of immune response

·      Components of immune response

·      Humoral versus cell mediated immunity

·      Antigen processing presentation and recognition (Download

·      Immediate and delayed hypersensitivity


2. Discuss the disorder of immune response including. AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) & Hypersensitivity (allergies)

3. Discuss the epidemiology, pathogenesis & clinical manifestation of HIV infection.

4. Discuss the pathophysiology of different types of hypersensitivity (Type I, Type II, Type III & Type IV)





Carol, P. M. (2000). Pathophysiology concept of altered health states. Philadelphia:J. B. Lippincott

2. Author D. Fluid & electrolyte made incredibly easy. (2002). 2nd ed). Pennsylvania springhouse.

3. Sue, Huether E. (2000). Understanding pathophysiology New York: Mosby.

4. Tortora, G. J., & Anagnostakos, N. P. (2000). Principles of anatomy and physiology New York:Harper & Row.

5. Wilson, S. A. P & LM. (1997). Clinical concepts of disease processes (5th ed). Mosby.