Behavioural Psychology 

Are you looking for the slides and notes of behavioural psychology of generic BS Nursing 6th semester?
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Behavioural Psychology SLIDES DOWNLOAD

Developmental Psychology Overview

This course is of 2 credit hours. It will help you  understand human behavior and provide insight into one’s personal attitudes, responses to everyday situation and interactions. It will further assist you to understand the way psychology can address issues concerning various spheres of life.

Course Objectives:

On completion of this course, you will be able to learn the followings. 

  1. Discuss key concepts, approaches, methods and interventions of modern day psychology.
  2. Demonstrate understanding of theories of personality and behavior.
  3. Develop understanding of the concepts of health psychology.
  4. Discuss social relationships and group behavior.
  5. Orient themselves with the concepts of abnormal psychology.
  6. Demonstrate an understanding of applying concepts of behavioral psychology to the practice of nursing profession.

Teaching/Learning Strategies:

Interactive lectures, discussions, readings, presentations, quizzes, and field trips.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Scholarly Paper 30%
  • Quiz 40%
  • Group Presentations 30%
  • Total 100%


The following units and objectives will be included in this course of developmental psychology. 

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Unit I: Introduction to behavioural psychology Download

This unit orients you to behavioral psychology and various perspective of psychology.

At the end of this unit you will be able to learn the following. 

  1. Define Behavioural Psychology.
  2. Outline the major perspectives which developed into modern psychology.

Unit II: Biology & Behaviour Download

This unit outlines the brain/behaviour relationships and how heredity influences behavior. At the end of this unit you will be able to learn the following. 

  1. Discuss biological influences on behaviour
  2. Discuss how heredity and environment interact to produce the development of behaviour.
  3. Discuss research methods used in behaviour genetic research.

Unit III: Person Perception: How we see ourselves and others Download

This unit helps learners to identify and describe influence of social perception on behaviour. At the end of this unit you will be able to learn the followings. 

  1. Understand basic principles of social perception.
  2. Understand the process of self and other perception and sources of errors involved in formulating such perceptions.
  3. Discuss perceptual inaccuracy with reference to prejudice.
  4. Identify ways to approach self and others positively.

Unit IV: Interpersonal Communication Download 

This unit helps you develop understanding about the constructive role of self- disclosure and how communication skills can be used effectively in order to do so. At the end of this unit you will be able to learn the followings. 

  1. Demonstrate the understanding of the ways involved in achieving effective communication.
  2. Demonstrate understanding of using effective communication in complex situations.
  3. Identify circumstances leading to self-disclosure.
  4. Develop understanding of the role of self-closure in psychological health and its use in interpersonal conflicts.

Unit V: Gender & Behaviour Download

This unit helps learners to establish gender/behaviour relationships and how it influences adjustment. At the end of this unit you will be able to learn the following. 

  1. Demonstrate understanding about stereotypes attached to gender differences.
  2. Discuss impacts of adhering to traditional gender roles on behaviour.
  3. Discuss changing gender roles.

Unit VI: Overview of Adult Development Download

This unit outlines major milestones of adult personality and impact of emotional intelligence on adult relationship. At the end of this unit you will be able to learn the following. 

  1. Discuss Adult developmental transitions in martial and intimate relationship.
  2. Discuss age roles and social clocks and its influences on behavior.
  3. Discuss issues in marriage, leading to divorce.
  4. Discuss adjustment to divorce and its impact on individual and family behavior.
  5. Develop understanding about significance of “Emotional Intelligence” in intimate interpersonal and work situations.

Unit VII: Health Psychology Download

This unit outlines concepts of health psychology and how it contributes to psychological health. At the end of this unit you will be able to learn the following. 

  1. Identify determinants of peoples’ health related behavior.
  2. Develop understanding about the role of locus of control and attribution styles in serving as protective measures for psychological health.

Unit VIII: Stress & its Effects Download

This unit identifies and describes the role of stress in an individual life and how self-modification principles can be used to moderate its effects. At the end of this unit you will be able to learn the following. 

  1. Identify major sources of psychological stress.
  2. Identify factors influencing stress intolerance.
  3. Develop understanding about achieving self-control through self-modification.

Unit IX: Theories of Personality and Behaviour Download

This unit outlines major theories of personality & behaviour and then role in the development of personality. At the end of this unit you will be able to learn the following. 

  1. Demonstrate understanding of theories of personality and behaviour.
  2. Discuss the relevance of these theories to the development of healthy personality.
  3. Identify various ways of assessing personality.

Unit X: Counseling Download

This unit outlines and describes the process of counseling and how it can be effectively utilized in professional relationships. At the end of this unit you will be able to learn the following. 

  1. Demonstrate understanding of the counseling process.
  2. Demonstrate understanding of applying counseling techniques in various scenarios.


  1. Atkinson, R. L., Atkinson, R. C., Smith, E. E., Bem, D. J., & Nolen-Hoeksema, S. (1996). Hilgard’s introduction to psychology (12th ed ). Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace & Company.
  2. Aronson, Elliot (2006) Social Psychology, edition 6th Prentice Hall Publication
  3. Charles, G (2005). Understanding Psychology .Amazon series
  4. Gerrig, Zimbardo (2006) Psychology and Life, edition 17th Academic International
  5. Hewstone, M (2005).Psychology. Published by Blackwell, UK ISBN.0631206787
  6. John, W (2004). Health Psychology. Published by Blackwell, UK 1SBN.0631214429
  7. Lynda, l. (2004). Explore the human psyche and understand why we do the things we do. New York: Worth publishers. Everything series.
  8. Myers, G. (2003). Psychology. New York 10010: Worth Publishers, 41, Madison Avenue
  9. Nairne, J (2005) Psychology. Amazon series.
  10. Nevid, J. (2000). Abnormal psychology in a changing world. London : Prentice Hall.
  11. Publication Manual of the American Psychology Association (5th ed.). (2001). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  12. Sarafino, E. (1994). Health psychology: Bio psychosocial interaction. USA : John Wiley and Sons.
  13. Walker, Jan (2006) Psychology for Nurses and Caring Professionals, Open University Press.