Leadership and Management in Nursing

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Nursing leadership and management ppt

Nursing Leadership and Management Overview

This course is of 3 credit hours. It provides the learners basic concepts and principles of leadership and management in a progressive health care system that fosters positive, creative and caring environment. This course gives an understanding of leadership and management rules within the social, legal and economical context of health care system in general and national health care system in particular.

Course Objectives:

On completion of this course, you will be able to learn the followings. 

1. Discuss the structures and functions of organizations.

2. Assess various management systems within, and related to, the health care system by utilizing various organizational theories.

3. Integrate various theories in relation to leadership, management, problem solving and decision making, motivation, managing change and, conflict management.

4. Describe implementation of an effective human resource management in nursing e.g. performance / annual appraisal, work load management, and other related issues.

5. Identify different mechanisms for managing resources and monitoring effective utilization of resources among health care professionals.

6. Demonstrate effective communication and interpersonal relationship

7. Discuss the application of the assertive behaviour.

8. Describe the Quality Management System and its application to create an environment conducive to the provision of cost effective quality nursing care.

9. Describe the contribution of Information Technology to efficiency and effectiveness of nursing.

Teaching/Learning strategies:

Lectures, discussions, small group work, self assessment activities and various experiential exercises, videos and group presentations, case studies/situation analysis.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Assignment on leadership role 30%
  • Group Presentation 30%
  • Reflective diary 10 %
  • Final Examination 30%
  • Clinical Pass/fail
  • Total 100%
  • Clinical Pass/Fail

Nursing Leadership and Management Outlines

The following units are included in this course. If you want to read the Slides of Adult Health Nursing 2, then Click Here.   

Unit I: Management /Organizational Theories, Structure and Culture 

In this unit the learners will explore the history of management theories and its implication in Health Care Organizations, different organizational structures and it implication.

At the end of this unit the learners will be able to:

1. Discuss various theories of management.

2. Discuss different terminologies related to management

3. Identify different types of health care organizations.

4. Identify various types of organizational structures

5. Differentiate between formal and informal structure within the organization.

6. Define staff and line relationship

7. Describe the importance of organizational structure

8. Describe different levels of management.

9. Describe redesigning and restructuring in the organization.

A. Download ppt

B. Download

Unit II: Management Functions and Their Application to Nursing Strategic Planning (Download)

In this unit learners will have opportunities to discuss the managerial functions associated with administration and how these are applied to management of nursing in various settings.

At the end of this unit the learners will be able to:

1. Discuss various strategies managers use to coordinate material and human resources and for the accomplishment of organizational goals.

2. Analyze the functions of a nurse manager in relation to:

o planning

o controlling

o organizing

o directing

o evaluating

3. Discuss the attributes of an effective manager.

4. Discuss some selected management processes commonly used by nurses in their managerial role.

5. Discuss how a nurse manager monitors the functioning of his/her area of administration.

6. Understand the concepts of strategic planning.

Controlling Download ppt

Planning Download ppt

Planning types Download

Strategic Planning Download

Unit III Leadership Theories and Styles (Download)

Learners will be able to understand different Leadership theories and styles which managers use in different situations.

At the end of this unit the learners will be able to:

1. Understand different Leadership theories.

2. Discuss the styles of Leadership.

3. Describe the different types of power used by a leader.

4. Differentiate between the roles of manager & leader.

5. Discuss ways to become a effective leader


In this unit learners will get an opportunity to understand that how power and political actions influence the environment in which we live.

At the end of this unit the learners will be able to:

1. Define politics, power, and policy.

2. Discuss the different sources of power.

3. Describe reasons why nurses should know the political strategies.

4. Describe ways how power can be used constructively for professional purposes.

Unit V: Change Management (Download )

In this unit, learners will be able to learn about the concepts of change, resistance to change and strategies to deal with resistance and its application to management situation.

At the end of this unit the learners will be able to:

1. Define change.

2. Discuss categories and types of change.

3. Understand different change theories (Download)

4. Integrate any of the change theories in given situation Lewin’s theory and steps of change in a ward situation.

5. Learn about the techniques for dealing with resistance.

6. Learn about the skills that a change agent should possess.

Unit VI: Problem Solving and Decision Making

In this unit, learners will study the process of decision making and its importance. They will be introduced to the different types of decision making, models of decision making including the ethical decision making model.

At the end of this unit the learners will be able to:

1. Define the terms decision making and problem solving.

2. Discuss the importance of critical thinking in decision making

3. State the importance of decision making and problem solving

4. Identify the types of decision making

5. Describe the models used for decision making

6. Describe the application of the models to a given situation

7. Describe the problem solving process and its application to clinical and administrative situations.

Unit VII: Communication in Management

In this unit, the process and principles of effective communication will be reviewed. The concept of organizational communication will be introduced including the formal and informal channels of communication. Learners will appreciate the importance of assertiveness and apply it when negotiating and collaborating with different population at different levels to accomplish professional goals. They will also learn the process of conflict resolution.

At the end of this unit the learners will be able to:

1. Review the basic principles of communication.

2. Describe the importance of formal and informal channels of communication in organizations.

3. Discuss concepts of organizational and interpersonal communication.

4. Describe the different direction of communication

5. Describe the mode of communication.

6. Describe the factors influencing communication.

7. Discuss the role of communication in leadership.

Unit VIII: Negotiation and Collaboration:

Learners will be able to learn about how to apply communication skills while talking to different population and to negotiate with them at different levels for the accomplishment of professional organizational goals.

At the end of this unit the learners will be able to:

1. Discuss negotiation skills.

2. Apply negotiation and collaborations skills while dealing with different population.

3. Describe collective bargaining.

Conflict Resolution & Management (Download)

1. Define conflict.

2. Discuss the positive and negative aspects of conflict.

3. Explain causes of conflict.

4. Explain different types of conflict.

5. Describe different techniques of conflict resolution.

UNIT IX: Resource Management Financial Management (Download)

In this unit the learners will be provided with an understanding of budgeting concepts, terminology, utilization and monitoring of human and other resources determining the efficiency and the effectiveness of a nursing department in operation.

At the end of this unit the learners will be able to:

1. Describe the purpose of budgets.

2. Differentiate and manage different types of budget.

3. Discuss the importance of budget for nurses.

4. Apply specific terminology of budget.

5. Discuss goals setting to establish budget.

6. Discuss the elements of preparing, controlling and monitoring budget.

7. Determine the efficiency of selected budget.

8. Describe the applications of budgeting in their specific institution

UNIT X: Human Resource Management (Download)

a. Staffing and scheduling (Download)

b. Staff development (Download)

In this unit the learners will be introduced to the basic concept of Human Resource Management which will include recruitment, hiring process,

staffing and scheduling and different strategies to manage staff and their retention and development.

At the end of this unit the learners will be able to:

1. Define Human Resource management,

2. Discuss the different strategies for staff management.

3. Describe the recruitment process.

4. Discuss staffing and scheduling

5. Discuss the importance of staff retention and staff development.

6. Discuss the importance of delegation.

Unit XI: Work Load Management

a. Models for Nursing Care Delivery System (Download)

“Success or failure in business depends on whether people work together effectively in teams.”

In this unit learners will be able to gain knowledge regarding efficiency, productivity and effectiveness in nursing care and will be able to discuss different nursing care models and will be able to compare these models with the patient care areas of the Hospital.

At the end of this unit the learners will be able to:

1. Define Work load management.

2. Discuss different patient care processes, input, though put and output.

3. Define efficiency. , productivity and effectiveness.

4. Discuss the different types of Nursing Care Models.

5. Differentiate the advantages and disadvantages of each model.

6. Discuss application of these models in patient care areas of the hospital.




In this unit Learners will develop an understanding of motivational theories and will be able to describe the evaluation process as it is relate to self and others. They will also gain knowledge regarding the process of counseling, while dealing with different challenging / difficult personnel.

At the end of this unit the learners will be able to:

1. Discuss different motivational theories.

2. Define the term Performance Appraisal.

3. Discuss the different evaluation philosophies.

4. State the purpose of performance appraisal.

5. Describe the process of performance appraisal.

6. Describe the components, methods and types of evaluation.

7. Discuss the potential problems and strategies to reduce them.

8. Discuss counseling and the types.

9. Describe the process of counseling and its importance to performance appraisal and managing with challenging / difficult personnel.

Unit -XIII: Quality Management System (Download)

In this unit, learners will be introduced to the concept of Quality Management System (QMS), Accreditation of institutions and Risk Management. Learners will also discuss its implementation in hospital setting. The role of the nurse manager will be explored in respect to QMS.

At the end of this unit the learners will be able to:

1. Discuss the historical elements fostering implementation of quality management system.

2. Discuss the relationship between Total Quality Improvement (TQI), Total Quality Management (TQM), and Quality Management System (QMS).

3. Describe the characteristics and process of quality management system.

4. Define performance improvement standards.

5. Identify the role of the nurse manager in the quality management process.

6. Discuss Nursing role in risk management.

7. Delineate the type of risk involve in health care setting.

8. Discuss key behaviors for handling customers’ complaints.

9. Analyze the Plan Do Check & Action (PDCA) cycle

Unit-XIV: Accreditation for Institutions (Download)

Learners will be given an introduction to accreditation its types and process with a specific focus on the ISO 9000 –2000 and Joint Commission International Accreditation (JCIA).

At the end of this unit the learners will be able to:

1. Describe the historical background of the accreditation of the institution.

2. Define Accreditation.

3. Discuss the importance of accreditation in the growth of the institutions.

4. Differentiate between ISO 9000 and JCIA.

5. Discuss the implementation of these standards in hospitals/organizations.

Unit XV: Hospital Management System (HMS) (Download)

In this unit, learners will be introduced to the concept of a Hospital Management System (HMS), and be familiar with the different systems of Information Technology that are used within the healthcare environment.

At the end of this unit the learners will be able to:

1. Define Management Information System (MIS)

2. Discuss different Information systems used in the hospital settings.

3. Describe different obstacles to Nursing Information System (NIS).

4. Describe the role of a nurse manager in application of this technology.

5. Discuss ethical consideration in NIS.

6. Discuss Nursing Informatics and its implication in nursing profession.

7. Describe the contribution of Information technology to efficiency and effectiveness of nursing.


1. Adomat, R. (2004). Assessing patient category/dependence systems for determining the nurse/patient ratio in ICU and HDU: A review of approaches. Journal of Nursing Management, 12 (5), 299-308.
2. Aiken, L. H., Clarket, S. P., & Sloane, D. M. (2000). Hospital restructuring: Does adversely affect care and outcomes? The Journal of Nursing Administration, 30(10), 457-465.
3. Aiken, L. H., Haven, D. S.,& Sloane, D. M. (2000). The management nursing services recognition program: A comparison of two groups of management hospitals. American Journal of Nursing, 100 (3), 26-36.
4. Benson, G. S., & Dundis, P. S. (2003). Understanding and motivating health care employees: Integrating Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, training and technology. Journal of Nursing Management, 11(5), 315-320.
5. Carney, M. (2004). Middle manager involvement in strategy development in not for profit organizations: The director of nursing perspective - how organizational structure impacts on the role. Journal of Nursing Management, 12 (1), 13-21.
6. Dlittet Phil, K. J. (2003). Leadership: A perspective. Journal of Nursing Management, 12 (3), 217 - 223.
7. Furaker, C., Helstrom, U., & Walldal, E. (2004). Quality of care in relation to a critical pathway from the staff perspective. Journal of Nursing Management., 12 (5), 309-316.
8. Henson, A., & Stanton, A. (2002). From conflict to collaboration: Contrast and conversion in the development of nursing and management theory. Journal of Nursing Management, 10 (6), 349-355
9. Johns, C. (2004). Becoming a transformational leader through reflection: Reflection on nursing leadership. Journal of Nursing Management., 11 (6), 364-370.
10. Marquis, L. B., & Huston, C. D. (2006). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing “Theory & Application” (5th ed). Philadelphia : Lippincott.
12. Macphee, M. (2000). Hospital networking: Comparing the work of nurses with flexible and traditional schedules. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 30 (4), 190-198.
13. McMurray, A. J., & Williams, L. (2004). Factors impacting on nurse managers’ ability to be innovative in a decentralized management structure. Journal of Nursing Management, 12 (5), 348-353.
14. Olofsson, B., Bengtsson, C., & Brink, E. (2003). Absence of response: A study of nurse’s experience of stress in the workplace. Journal of Nursing Management, 11 (5), 351-358.
15. Powell, S. L. (2000). Nursing case management: A practical guide to success in management. Arizona: Philadelphia
16. Snow, L. S. (2001). Looking beyond nursing for clues to effective leadership. Journal of Nursing Administration, 9 (31), 440-443.
17. Sullivan, E. J., & Decker, P. J. (2005). Effective leadership and management in nursing (6th ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
18. Whittock, M., & Leonard, L. (2003). Stepping outside the stereotype. A pilot study of the motivations and experiences of males in the nursing profession. Journal of Nursing Management, 11 (4), 242-249.
