Are you looking for slides and notes of epidemiology which is being taught in 6th semester of Generic BS Nursing?
Then you are at the right place. Here you will find all the related slides and notes of epidemiology.
Epidemiology Overview:
This course is of 2 credit hours. It is designed to provide the knowledge and skills to the learners for using epidemiological concepts in assessing the contributing factors, diagnosing the problems, planning intervention and evaluating the results in the community. In addition you will be able to make inferences the impact on population demographics, social and health status in Pakistan. You will also be able to correlate Epidemiological research findings to community health nursing practice.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the course the you will be able to learn the followings.
- Illustrate the general use of Epidemiology
- Illustrate the use of a model of the natural history of a disease as a base for community intervention
- Describe the common epidemiological methods
- Describe the steps of an epidemiological investigation
- Interpret the relevance of epidemiological research findings to community health nursing practice
- Discuss the impact of population growth on the socioeconomic and health status in Pakistan.
Teaching/Learning strategies:
Interactive lecture, discussion, self study, brain storming and paper writing
Course Expectation:
Pre-reading and preparation for class and participation in class discussion
Evaluation Criteria:
- Assignment
- Group Presentation 35%
- Mid Term Examination 25%
- Final Examination 40%
- Total 100%
Epidemiology Outline
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Unit I: Introduction of Epidemiology Download
In this unit you will be introduce to the basic concepts of Epidemiology and you will be able to the uses and scope of Epidemiology. At the completion of this unit you will be able to learn the following.
- Introduce of Epidemiology
- Define Epidemiology
- Discuss the uses of Epidemiology
- Explain the scope of Epidemiology
Unit: II: Concept of Health & Disease Download
In this unit you will be introduce to the basic concepts of Health, Disease, and Well-being and you will be able to know the concept of causation in Epidemiology At the completion of this unit you will be able to learn the following.
- Discuss the terms of Health, Disease, Well-being.
- Describe the concept of causation.
- Understand the Health indicator.
Unit III: Natural History of Disease Download
In this unit you will be introducing to the basic concepts of Host, Agent and Environment will also briefly discuss. Moreover, you will discuss the Epidemiological approach in community setting. At the completion of this unit, you will be able to learn the following.
- Define the term:
- Host,
- Agent,
- Environment.
- Identify the concept of epidemiology and diseases with the help of Epidemiological Trait.
- Identify Epidemiological approach in community setting.
Unit IV: Concept of Prevention Download
In this unit you will be introduce to the basic concept of prevention. Moreover, you will discuss the how the preventive measures apply in community setting. At the completion of this unit you will be able to learn the following.
- Discuss the level of prevention
- Define Primary level of prevention
- Discuss Secondary and Tertiary level of prevention
Unit V: Basic Measurement of epidemiology Download
In this unit you will be introduce to the basic concept of Mortality, Morbidity. Additionally, you will discuss the how measures apply in community setting and whole population.
At the completion of this unit you will be able to learn the following.
- Understand the concept Mortality, Morbidity
- Discuss the Rate, Ratio, Incidence, and Prevalence
- Identify the Maternal and Infant rates in the specific community
Unit VI: Epidemiological transitions in disease patterns Dwonload
In this unit you will be introduce to the basic concept of Population changes. You will also discuss the Changes in life expectancy of whole population. At the completion of this unit you will be able to learn the following.
- Define Population changes and population pyramid
- Illustrate Factors affecting population change (dependency ratio, sex ratio)
- Discuss Changes in life expectancy and changes in age / sex distribution
- Discuss Changes in major causes of death Changes in age / sex distribution
Unit VII: Epidemiological Methods Download
In this unit you will be introduce to the basic concept of epidemiological studies. Moreover, you will discuss the application of the studies in community setting and whole population. At the completion of this unit you will be able to learn the following.
- Discuss the Descriptive in term of Time, pla ce and Person.
- Discuss the Analytical and basic Concepts of Cross Sectional
- Describe the Intervention / Experimental study
Unit VIII: Surveillance and Notification of Communicable Diseases Download
In this unit you will discuss about the surveillance and notification of communicable diseases. You will also discuss the various modes of disease transmission. At the completion of this unit you will be able to learn the following.
- Define the term surveillance.
- Discuss the principles of surveillance and notification of communicable diseases.
- Describe different methods of surveillance and notification of communicable diseases.
- Identify nurses’ role in surveillance and control of communicable diseases.
- Discuss health indicators.
- Define the term:
- Health indicators.
- Discuss health indicators including:
- Crude Birth Rate,
- Crude Death Rate,
- Infant Mortality Rate,
- Morbidity Rate,
- Perinatal Mortality Rate,
- Neonatal Mortality Rate,
- Maternal Mortality Rate,
- Incidence Rate,
- Prevalence Rate,
- Life Expectancy,
- General Fertility Rate.
Unit X: Screening Download
- Define the concept of screening
- Discuss the importance of screening
- Explain the Types of screening.
Unit XI: Data management and presentation Downlaod
In this unit you will discuss about the data management and presentation.
- Define the term data
- Discuss the types of data and various methods of data collection.
- Discuss the different means and interpretation of data presentation through:
- Graphs,
- Tables,
- Charts.
1. Aderson, E. T. & McFarlane, J. M. (1996). Community as Partner (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott.
2. Ahmed N., & Iliyas, M. (1993). Community Medicine. Karachi: Time Traders.
3. Ansari. I. M. (2003). Community Medicine and Public Health (6th ed.) Karachi: Urdu Bazaar.
4. Bahn, M. (1995). Epidemiology: An Introductory Text. Philadelphia: Saunders Company.
5. Basavanthappa, B. T. (1998). Community Health Nursing). New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers.
6. Illyas, M. (2003). Community Medicine and Public Health. (6th ed.) Pakistan: Time Traders.
7. Ilyas, M. & Kahlid, R. (2000). Community Health: For Lady Health Visitors, Nurses and Allied Health Profession. Pakistan: Time Publisher.
8. Munro, B. (2001). Statistical Methods for Health Care Research (4th ed.) New York: Lippincott.
9. Nice, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2001). Community Health Nursing: Promoting the Health of Population. Toronto: Saunders Company.
10. Smith, C. M., & Maurer, F. A. (2000). Community Health Nursing Theory and Practice (2nd ed.) Toronto: Saunders Company.
11. Valanis, B. (1992). Epidemiology in nursing and Health Care 2nd. Ed. New Delhi: Prentice Hall
12. Standhope, M. & Lancaster, J. (1992). Community Health Nursing. London: C. V. Mosby
13. Vanghan, J. P. & Morrow, R. H. (1989). Manual of Epidemiology for District Health Management. Geneva: WHO
14. Mausner, J. S. & A. K. Bahn (1974). Epidemiology: An Introductory Text. London: W. B. Saunders
15. Lilienfeld, P. K & Stolley P. D (1994). Foundation Epidemiology 3rd Ed. London