Reflection on Clinical Work

Today was our first day of clinical of the Critical Care Nursing. We go to the Hayatabad Medical Complex for our clinical. Our Teacher, send me and 2 other students with me to Medical ICU ward. Before entering the ward, we first do handwashing and also cover our shoes with neat shopper like cover. When we meet with the head Nurse of the ward, our madam first introduces us with her and told her that today our objective is to observe the Nursing care given in ICU and also about the devices and many things more.

After leaving us in the ward, our madam goes to other wards for assigning other students to another ward. We then took one one bed of patient for us to take history and for CIM purpose. One of the staff there taught us many things about the basics of the ward. We observe there ventilator, cardiac monitor, NG tube feeding, syringe pump, ETT tube, ABGs finding machine and many thing else. After the orientation of the ward and the lessons of the staff nurse, we took our patient and take history from there charts and write it in our notebooks. We also fill daily intake output charts of the patient and measure the RBS level of the whole wards, under the supervision of the staff nurse.

After some time spent in the ward, it was the time for a tea break. Coming back from our break, we again start doing our work in the ward. In the meantime, our teacher also came to the ward and teach us about the laryngoscope. That how to make it from the parts and how to use it. She taught us many things also. She was demonstrating us about how to give Nasogastric tube feeding. When she asks for the syringe from the assistant nurse, he give her a dirty syringe for feeding. The mam was angry on him and ask him to bring a clean syringe for feeding. He than told sorry to the mam and then bring the syringe from the nursing counter. The mam told us that as a nurse, you people should be very responsive about the safety and health of the patient. She told us that the patients’ family handed over their patient in our hand and if we do such irresponsible things with the patient, than it is a very bad thing as a nurse and as a human also.  She than demonstrate the whole steps of feeding in the NG tube to us and after that, she goes to the nursing chamber and set with the head nurse of the ward. for the time, our time for the clinical was about to end and the madam told us to lets go back to the hospital gate. We than took our notebooks with us, do handwashing again before leaving, take permission from the head nurse, and go back to the hospital gate. Then our college bus came and took all the students to the college and we than come back to hostel.

So that was all about our first week of our clinical for Critical Care Nursing.



Reflection critical care nursing, Concept integrated map, hospital reflection, 

CCN, BSN reflection writing, writing a reflection, nursing reflection, reflection writing nursing, kmu reflection writing, khyber medical universities reflection writing.