After reading this article, you will be able to learn the following things.

·       Define the vision, mission, and planning cycle.

·       Describe the concepts of community assessment.

·       Discuss the components of System framework

·       Learn the concepts of Management Information System (MIS).

·      Discuss the different approaches of community as a partner.

·      Population approach

·      Risk approach

·      Discuss the techniques of promoting community mobilization and participation

·      Perform the priority setting exercise.

·      Discuss the concepts of QALYS and DALYS

·      Develop a plan to collaborate with individuals, families, groups and communities to implement course of action.

·      Discuss the implementation process by capturing the concept of Community participation, and sustainability.

·      Develop the evaluation process and its types.



Define the vision, mission, and planning cycle.



Vision can be described as the dream of individual or an agency with regard to the improved health status of a community or the result imagined at the end of the programme. For Example; Our vision in Primary health care is to overcome poverty and inequity through strategic thinking.



Mission statement defines what an organization is, why it exists, declaring the purpose of an organization or company. It also provides framework and context to help guide the company's strategies and actions by spelling out the company's overall goal. It also define who your primary customers are, identify the products and services you produce, and describe the geographical location in which you operate.


Planning cycle:

A conceptualization of the process of developing and sustaining a brand, through product and communications development. It is usually described through a series of questions;

·       where are we?

·       why are we here?

·       where could we be?

·       how could we get there?

·       are we getting there?;

and eventually, round full circle to "where are we?" again. It provides a useful framework within which to think about the objectives of a specific research project.



Planning cycle


Describe the concepts of community assessment.


Community: A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in Common Interests, Culture, Belief, Values, and Geography.

Need: Something required for a safe and healthy life because it is essential or very important rather than just desirable.

Assessment: Measurement of key issues, opinions, attitudes, beliefs and needs.


Community health

Community Health:

The term "community health" refers to the health status of a defined group of people, or community, the action and conditions that protect and improve the health of the community.


Community health is a field of public health that focuses on studying, protecting, or improving health within a community. It does not focus on a group of people with the same shared characteristics, like age or diagnosis, but on all people within a geographical location or involved in specific activity.


There are many factors which affect community health. These are as follow;

       The physical environment in which people live {Housing, quality of the air, water and Sanitation}

       The social environment – social and emotional support people receive

       Poverty, a significant factor worldwide, which shortens and reduces enjoyment of life.

       Behavior and lifestyle – for example, smoking causes lung cancer and coronary heart diseases.

       Family Genetics and Individual biology



Assessment Phase:

It refers to a territorial health assessment that identifies key health needs and issues through systematic, comprehensive data collection and analysis. A community health assessment gives organizations comprehensive information about the community’s current health status, needs, and issues.  In turn, this information can help with developing a community health improvement plan by justifying how and where resources should be allocated to best meet community needs.

Community health need assessment is a process that Describes the state of health of the community,  Enables the identification of the major risk factors and causes of illness & Enables the identification of the actions needed to address these.




Planning is a series of decisions, from general and strategic decisions to specific operational details, based on the gathering and analysis of a wide range of information.

There are six steps in planning:

  1. Situation analysis
  2. Analyzing and selecting critical (priority) problems
  3. Setting objectives and targets
  4. Designing the strategies
  5. Identifying potential obstacles
  6. Writing up the plan



The implementation phase involves putting the plan into action. The implementation phase is where you and your project team actually do the project work. Essentials things for the implementation are as follow:

  1. Innovation (a new diagnostic technique, vaccine or treatment can make previous unattainable goal possible).
  2. Technical package (healthcare associated infection: hand sanitization, mask gloves etc.)
  3. Managing performance (time, bias eradication, improvement)
  4. Partnership (coalition with private sector, agencies).
  5. Communication
  6. Political commitment


Process of Implementation:

Step 1: Review Plan and prepare for the implementation of strategy.

Step 2: Review goals and objectives

Step 3: Consider approaches to address prioritized needs.

Step 4: Select approaches.

Step 5: Communicate implementation strategy with community

Step 6: Finalized the written implementation

Step 7: Adopt the implementation strategy.

Step 8: Update and sustain the implementation strategy.




The evaluation phase is of two types. One is Process Evaluation and the other outcome evaluation. The Process evaluation gives you information on the progress of the work as it proceeds allowing you to amend plans in accordance with its findings. It is undertaken while the programme is in progress. While Outcome evaluation measures whether the objectives of the programme have been achieved. It is undertaken at the end of the work.



Learn the concepts of Management Information System (MIS).


Management information system (MIS)

Management information system has been defined as a system designed by an organization for collecting and reporting information so that the organization’s mangers can plan , monitor, and evaluate the operations and performance in their areas of responsibility.


Health Information System (HIS)

A system of databases designed to process and exchange information to support decision-making as well as implementation, monitoring and evaluation of programmes, activities and projects. A health information system (HIS) provides information for the management of a health system and for monitoring health activities; exists as an integral part of the health system to support the health functions. Health information systems enable monitoring of service delivery in terms of, for example, access, coverage, quality, equity, expenditure, human resources and health outcomes.

Health Information + Health Care System Information = HMIS